Page 681 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 681

                                   TOR THE TEAR 101®-
                The Zargham spent several years of his younger days in Persian Mekran
            and in habit and appearance is more a Baluch than a Persian.
                One of the chief friends of the Zargham is Saulat-un-Nizam, Sub-Deputy
            Governor of Babur, who has and is assisting His Majesty's Consul in hu
            negotiations with the Zargham.
                Tho other districts of the Province call for no particular mention. The
            Deputy Governorships of Rafsinjan, Khahis and Zarind are generally held by
            the members of the IChawanin family.
                Matters in Persian Baluchistan require careful consideration. In March
                    _ .                  last, Uis Majesty’s Consul was able to
            a nc u        discuss this question with the Deputy Poli­
            tical Resident in the Persian Gulf at Bandar Abbas. The result of this
            discussion was that, unless the Government of India w ere willing to press
            matters, the best solution would for the present be to divide Persian Baluchistan
            into two political spheres (1) for the protection of the Coast .Line and Tele­
            graphs, (2) for ihe protection of the Kerman Province. The first to be carried
            out by a representative at Charbar with powers to deal with the tribes as far
            as Geh, Kasarkand, etc., and the second by the re-establishment of Vice-Con­
            sulate at Bam with a strong Detachment of South Persia Rifles. The chief
            points for protection from Baiuch lawlessness 03 far as the Kerman Province
            is at present urgently concerned, are:—
                  (t) Protection of the fertile regions of Jiruft, Narmashir and Rudbar ;
                  (ii) Communications between Bandar Abbas and Kerman;
                 (*w)„ Protection of (he important Telegraph line running between
                        Behaneh Baghi and Bam.
                In 5 lay, Mir Bah ram Khan of Bampur sent a small deputation to Kerman
             in order to interview (he Governor-General of Kerman, with the object of
            obtaining the Deputy Governorship of Persian Baluchistan. This deputation
            was received by lbe Governor-General in a firm but friendly manner and tho
            latter invited Bahrain Khan to meet him in Bam and Narmashir at a suitable
            time to discuss matters. His Majesty’s Consul also impressed on the deputa­
            tion to warn Bahrain Ktan that raids in Narmashir, etc., would not be put up
             with any longer. The deputation was shewn over all the lines of South Persia
             Rifles and was duly impressed. The Governor-General reported the matter
             in due course to the Persian Government.
                H19 Majesty’s Consul had hoped to meet Political Agent, Chagai, at Rigan
             in November to discuss generally matters in connection with Persian Baluchis­
             tan, but unfortunately this meeting fell through owing to the inability of the
             Political Agent to cany out his proposed tour.
                 During the year, the Baluchis owing to the continued occupation of
             Khwash and to the presence of a strong Detachment of South Persia Rifles at
             Bam have given no serious trouble.
                The Governor-General is naturally anxious, and more so since the Anglo-
             Persian .Agreement to re-establish Persian Government’s authority over
             Persian Baluchistan. The whole question bristles with difficulties and Hia
             Majesty's Consul is of opinion that the first move on our part should be the
             re-estabiishment of Bam Vice-Consulate, which question is now under the con­
             sideration of His Majesty’s Minister and of the Government of India.
                                    Condition op Roads.
                 Ihe main trade routes from Bandar Abbas to Kerman  are:—
                   (1)  Bandar Abbas-Gakum-Saidabad-Kerman.
                   (2)  Bandar Abbas-Daulatabad-Baft-Kerman.
                   (3)  Bandar Abbas-Rudbar-Jiruft to Bam and Kerman.
                 The main internal routes are:—
                   (a) Kerman to Vezd via Bakramab&d.
                   (d) Kerman to Meshed vi& Rawar and Naiband.
                   (c) Kerman to Bam.
                   (d)  Kerman to Birjsnd via Khabia.
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