Page 686 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 686
in. direct traffic to Yozd and Meshed ©id Rafsinjan and goods for 8irjan and
other outlying districts, is as follows:—
Impobtbd isto Kbbuak. Impobtkd ibto Bak.
Weight in Weight in
Kerman V tine. Korunn Velne.
rotund*. xneande.
1 rotund £ 1 meund £
t=<J'785 lbe. =0 786 lbe.
Xeroiuie oil 7.460 3,968
Piece gooda 195,276 27,684 11,816 15.890
Grocery • 42,700 68,320 • ••
^detail . • •• 1,185 2,252
Tobacco . 50 28
Pepper 2,875 1,725
Sugar 382,875 214,410 64,155 29,066
Tea 43,700 52,440 1,200 1,362
Gbee 3,200 3,200
Yarn 13,600 27,200
•Haberdashery 6,075 4,060 1,025 855
Candles . 22,675 8,755 3,100 1,168
Indigo • 800 12,800 • ••
Rice. etc. 33,200 13,280 100 36
OwiDg to the war, to the American prohibition of carpet imports, and
c . to the great loss of life amongst the
*rpe *’ weavers from cholera, influenza, etc., the
trade at the end of last year was at a very low ebb. Formerly there were
approximately 7,000 looms in Kerman town and neighbourhood, and this
number has now been reduced to about 1,000. At the beginning of. the year,
the prospects of the carpet trade began to improve. At first, there was some
difficulty in obtaining transport and manufacturers were also, afraid: of losing
their valuable consignments owing to the depredations by robbers. His
Majesty's Consul was able to assist the manufacturers in obtaining transport
and with the help of South Persia Rifles to- have their consignments 6afely
landed at Bandar Abbas.
Unfortunately in July, the Customs authorities at Bandar Abbas began
to adopt obstructive measures on account of aniline and to prevent carpets
being exported without paying a heavy deposit of 9 per cent. At the time of
writing this report, the Manager of Oriental Carnet Manufacturers, Limited,
who lately proceeded to Bandar abbas, has reported that he has been able to
pcrGuade tue authorities that the carpets of his Arm contained no aniline and
that he wca allowed to ship his whole consignment free of paying any deposit.
This matter has been the subject of correspondence with His Majesty
The value of carpets exported from Kerman from let January to l*t
December 1919 is £57,323.