Page 689 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 689
YEAR 1919.
Mr. E. E. Gunter, O.B.E., proceeded on long leave to England on 9th May
1919 after which date Mr. S. Newcome
Wilson held political charge of the
Mekran Coast.
No arms wefe landed during the year. In November several Afghans
came down and purchased about fifty
rifles in the Bint and Dir districts. A
few rifles also were brought from Bunder Abbas and exchanged for camels, but
the trade was so small that it may be considered negligible.
The Persian Government has not yet appointed a Deputy Governor at
Bampur to administer the internal affairs
Persian Baluchistan.
of Persian Baluchistan. Consequently,
Bahram Khan is master of the place. W ith the exception of occasional minor
conflicts and lootings, which are not unusual in the locality, no incident of any
special importance occurred during the year.
Khalifah Khair Muhammad.1— In the beginning of the year rumours were
rife that the Khalifah was dead but unfortunately they proved false. He was
most active in inciting the truculent people of the country to damage the
telegraph line He is a fanatical Anglo-phobe and uhtil he is removed from
his present residence, either by the British or Persian Governments/ the tele
graph line will not be immune from damage. He has considerable influence
over the people of Karwan and Joueadar, On the occasion of the murder of
Azim Khan by our sepoys, he tried his utmost to persuade Shahdullah to
avenge himself by attacking Charbar. The latter, however, wisely refrained
from following the ill advice. When last heard of, Khair Muhammad was at
Piri Dervish, a notorious slave trafficker and bandit, was reported in March
to have been his own followers. The Assistant Superintendent, Jusk'
Sub-Division, left on 9th December 1919 on his inspection of the telegraph line
between Jask and Gwadur with a military column. He had not inspected the
line since the outbreak of war on account of disorder and unrest in the country.
When the column was passing the Karwan district, a Baluch named Hoti
Brahim threatened to kill camel drivers who were cutting grass. A party sent
to arrest him was fired on at point blank range by bis son. The father also
fired several shots. Finally both were shot dead and their arms seized.
Old olaima against the people of Persian Mekran to the extent of Rs. 350
were settled during the year. Many
Claims. new
olaims were also settled.
Foreign subjects. The following foreign subjects arrived
at Oharbar in October 1919—
Lieutenant Edwardo Barbiroglio
Corporal Alberto Farneti. Italian Air Force.
Private Attilio Soarparolo.