Page 687 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 687
British Interests.
Indo-European Telegraph Department.—M. Norm held the port
of Superintendent, Indo-European Telegraph Department, German
sion, throughout the year. In December, the Telegraph office at iJM*
Imperial Sank of Persia.—Mr. H. L. Q. Taylor continued to mamgethe
Kerman Branch of the Imperial Bank of Persia with the assistance of a Britasn
Accountant, Mr. Uace.
Chutoh Missionary Society.—Kerman Medical Mission.
European etafl—
Dr. and Mm. G. E. Dodson.
Native «taff—
7 men assistants, 4 women assistants.
In-patients, 1919—
Men 165
Women 169
Oat-patienta, 1919—
New patients 1,466
{ Repeat visits . • 4,394
l Repeat visits • . . . 8,267
Women New patients • 1,615
City visits (or visits to Doctor's house by patients) 2,427
Patients seen daring summer holidays . 505
1919 major operations 287 (pis., men 14T, women 146).
Minor operations are not recorded.
These statistics are below the average, owing-to the work being mainly
closed down for the first three montha of the year, owing to illness among the
European staff.
The work of.the C. If. 8: Medical Mission continues in the old quarters
which are-crampedvandfin&dequ&te, but building work has been continued on,.where the men's new out-patient department, one new ward
block for 28 inen'B beds, the new kitchen and store rooms, and part of the new
Doctor’s house have been put up.
C. M. S. School.—The Bey. A. K. Boyland held charge of the Mimion
8chool throughout the year.
Oriental Carpet Manufacturers, Limited.—The firm was represented by
Mr. J. JoannideB till late in the year and on proceeding on leare he wm
replaced by Mr. G. 1. Bond. *
The total number of cases settled by Kaigusari under Consulate supern-
®J°p* including cases in which the interests of foreign subjects or firms <£
British protected Persian subjects were concerned, was 27 and compensation
recovered amounted to krans 111,021. Thirty-four cases were pendingatthe
No action under the Criminal Prooedure Code was taken by His Majesty**
Consul throughout the year.