Page 684 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 684

23     annual report on the teesian gulp political rebidency
                 Some headway against these tolls has been made on the Baft route It [n
                                                hoped that the abolition of this useless and
                        •Tomans 6,000 paroar&acm.
                                                expensive* Department will bo carried
                 out ns soon as the Military Commission now assembled at Tehran has decided on
                 the strength and soope of the Persian Army and Police.
                     The other roods require no special comment.
                     At the suggestion of His Majesty's Consul the postal grant for the service
                                                betwocn Bandar Abbas and Kerman
                            Postal Barrie*.                                     WQ8
                                                increased from Tumans 144 per mensem
                 to^Tumans 3S0 per mensem. The service was divided up into three sections.
                       (1)  Bandar Abbas to Daulatabad.
                       (2)  Daulatabad to Baft-
                       (3)  Baft to Kerman.
                 His Majesty’s Consul at Bandar Abbas arranged through a contractor for the
                 service on section (1) at a oost of Tumans 180. The number of mounted
                  ghulams on sections (2) and (3) was raised from 4 to 8. Since this new
                  arrangement the post has been running satisfactorily and the number of days
                  taken in transit from Bandar Abbas to Kermaa has been from 8 to 9 days.
                 The arrival of mail steamers at Bandar Abbas has throughout the year been
                  very irregular.
                      South Persia Rifles.—Strength on 1st December was as follows:—
                                     British.   IXDLAJJ.   Persia*.  SHOOS
                                                                   P BESOh'NEL-
                                        p «                         3
                                        T5 -O
                                        • 0                         o
                         UtUil          £ o                                 Remarks.
                                        S*                          f-
                                        c a                    i    3
                                                  "3   C        a
                                                   2   o
                                        ’z'-.v C   •-      2        3
                                     <3       e                •5 c     s
                                     o  11 •  o   ■5   £   o   c    C-, o
                  Brigsdo Headquarters   6*  6  3   3  16   4   69       10
                  1st Caralr/ .   .    9   S        1       26  600
                     Artilkr j   .     2   3        2       6  217
                  2nd il.G. Squadroa .   I  1               4   78
                  fed Fif'd Coj. Engra.                     3  183
                  2nd P. 11. Corps ,   I   1                I  279
                  Ctk Into try •       2   3                18  546  •••
                  Field Ambulance ,
                                           I                14  164
                  Bde. Ordnaoot Depot .
                                           3        7        1   2
                  Bde. Vetj. Hospital ,   1  2      1       2   31
                  Garrison Band .
                                           1           Ml    1  37
                  Mocha deal Transport .
                                           1        7            3
                  Bda. Signal 8efcooI .
                                           4                 1
                       di Srja a,
                  2nd lafxntry
                               r       2   2        8       14  4T7
                  fiijan Transport         1        S            74
                  S aad T. Corps »     1   I
                       # I nr lades 8 British oficen es routt Baxrlar Abbas.
                       tlwkdM l „ efioef »
   679   680   681   682   683   684   685   686   687   688   689