Page 691 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 691
FOB. THB YEAR. 1019. 86
Mr. 0. H. St. John, Joint Assistant Superintendent, was in charge of the
telegraph station throughout the year.
The place of the Deputy Governor ifl
Persian officials.
still vacant.
Mr J. Ferro, in oharee of the Customs, proceeded on leave at the end of
June. He was relieved by Mirza Ibrahim Khan from Charbar, who performed
the duties of the Customs Collector for the rest of the year.
The detachment of l-3rd Brahmins was relieved by a detachment of 2-lst
Brahmins in February. The average
HlliUrj Deiachmoat. monthly strength was 94 non-commission
ed officers and men and two British officers exclusive of half mule section.
Only’three sails, two anchors and two bundles of cargo of the dhow
J “Muafiq** (reported in la3t year’s Adminis-
1VrockB’ tration report) were sent to Jask by Mir
Mustafa Khan, the remainder:—300 bags of rice, 100 bags of wheat and 400
hags of charcoal, were looted by Noor Mohamed, brother of the above chief.
In January, the country craft “ Badami " belonging to Seth Utoomal of
Charbar left Bunder Abbas for Charbar with a general cargo and encounter
ing bad weather put in at Girav North of Sirik and came to Charbar. later on.
The Kakhuda lodged a complaint in the office of the Assistant Superintendent
Telegraph Station at Charbar to the effect that he anchored in 18 fathoms and
on going ashore to get acsistance to bale out the water, he was detained by the
headman of the place and forced to sign a bond for Rs. 6,0 30 for salvage by
Mir Burkat who had come on the sceno in the meantime. He added that goods
worth Us. 1,254 were taken away by the chief. Mir Burkat contended that
the boat was leaking and that as the Nakhuda and crew had intended to
abandon Ler, he gave assistance by supplying men who baled out the water and
repaired the craft. He admitted having taken the goods and claimed the
balance. The owner paid- Rs. 3,000 to the chief by the decision of the Deputy
Political Resident.)
In April, dinghy “ Vitbalpassa ” bound for Karachi from Basrah cast
anchor near Skaruo, 14 miles East of Jask, on account of adverse currents. She
was boarded by the followers of Chiragh Khan, son of Mir Mustafa Khan, who
removed 1,401 bags of Jowari and practically all the belongings of the crew.
The anchor rope was deliberately cut and the boat left to drift and break'up.
The Nakhuda and crew who went to Jask were provided with passages to
Karachi. After a great deal of correspondence, only 233 bags of Jowari and a
few sundries were returned by Mir Mustafa Khan. Repeated endoavours to
recover the remaining goods, have proved futile. At the instance of the Deputy
Political Resident, orders were issued by the General Officer Commanding,
Buehire Force, to the Officer Commanding Jask Troops, to apprehend Chira^h
at the first opportunity. °
In December, dinghy “ Haidri" of Bhavnagar with dates from Basrah ran
ashore near Sirik. Mir Burkat's followers unloaded the cargo. The chief
claimed half of the cargo and half of the value of the boat. She was ultimate
ly brought to Jask undamaged and delivered to her Nakhuda. The chief was
allowed to retain the dates in return for his services.
In the same month, dinghy “ Sultani ” of Gwadur ran ashore near Gabree
and became a total wreck. The Nakhuda and crew saved themselves. The
major portion of the cargo was jettisoned and the remainder waa reported to
have been carried away by. one Noor Mohamed and other*.
His Majesty’s Ships ** Bramble, *» n Brito mart” and c‘ Nearchus” occasion
N»ry. ally visited the port during the year.
The Deputy Political Besident,’Persian Gulf, visited the rtation in
and Deoemrar. On the first occasion he selected a site for the landing *
aeroplanes about two miles east of the military picquet line. of