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                                           CHAPTER VI.

                                       FOR THB YEAR 1910.

                     Assistant 8urgeon C. H. Lincoln, M.B.E., held charge of the Consulate
                            Pcnonncl.           at Mohammerah throughout the year,
                                                except for three months (15th June to
                 15th September) when be proceeded on leave and Major N. B. H. Scott, O.I.R.,
                       from Baghdad, acted during his absence.
                     Captain E. G. B. Peel, held (barge of the Vice-Consulate at Ahwa2. He
                 visited the Bakhtiyari country, Kermanshah, and Pusht-i-Kuh, when Major
                 A. H. Napier, I.M.S., Civil Surgeon, Arabistan, officiated during his absence.
                     Captain E. H. O. Elkington, M.C., was appointed Assistant Political Officer
                 in June, and acted as Vice-Consul on Major Napier’s transfer to Dizful, and
                 still holds that appointment, OaptaiQ E. G. B. Peel having prooeeded on
                     Dicful and Shuchtar—Captain Thompson Glover held charge of the Politi­
                 cal Officer, Bizful, till February when he was relieved by Major Napier, LM S.,
                who wa3 in turn transferred to Basrah, and succeeded by Captain Geard, who
                held charge of botn places.
                    Major W. L. Meade arrived and assumed charge of Dizful in March, and
                Captain Geard Reverted to the oharge of Sbuslxtar. In May, Captain Geard
                wa3 transferred and the additional chargo of Shushtar was assumed by Major
                    His Excellency Sheikh Sir Khazal Khan, G.C.LE., K.C.S.L, remained
                                                ruler of South Arabistan and the various
                         Local official!.
                                                Arab tribes inhabiting North Arabistan.
                    Sheikh Chac3ib Khan, eldest son of His Excellency the Sheikh, was Deputy
                Governor of Mohammerah throughout the year.
                    Sheikh Abdul Hamid Khan, second son of His Excellency the Sheikh, was
                Deputy Governor of Ahwaz throughout the year.
                    Said-ul-Mulk held the appointment of Karguzar throughout the year.
                    Other Notables and Officials who visited Mohammerah during the year
                    His Highness Prince Shoa-us-8ultanah, brother of Mohammed Ali Mxrza,
                ex Shah of Persia, who spent a day with His Excellency the Sheikh.
                    His Excellency Prince Moayid-ud-Dowleh, the newly appointed Governor-
                General of Arabistan.
                    His Excellency Waqar-uI-Mulk, the former Governor-General of Arab-
                is tan.
                    Agha Parviz Khan, Governor of Ramhormoz, and Agha Habibullah Khau»
                sons of Sardar Asaad Bakhtiyari.
                    Moazed-us-Sultan, Karguzar of Bush ire.
                    Muntecer-ul-Mulk, Persian Consul of Basrah.
                    Moaziz-ul-Mulk, Finance Agent for Arabistan.
                    8eraj-ul-Mulk, the former Revenue Officer of Arabistan.
                    His Excellency Sheikh Sir Khazal Khan visited Koweit during the y*^
                and spent the summer months at Ahwaz.
                   In January the Karguzar, noting on instructions from the Fotg£®
                        p . . ,                Minister, proceeded to Ahwaz with Ha}]
                        Principal event*,      Rais-ut-Tuj jar C.I.E., with the object of
               getting a commission started do estimate damages done by the Turks in
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