Page 698 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 698


                    Local Police.—Sheik Chnssib Khan, Nusrat-ul-Mulk, Deputy Governo
                of Mohammorah, took up the question of policing tho town, and in AnrM
                called for volunteers to enlist in the Force. Two of his trustworthy Aral!
                servants were appointed Inspectors. The idea was to have a police force and
                station in the town. Theie has been a steady dovclopmont and tho nurnbo
                now totals about 150. These men are being instructed in drill and discipline
                by one Izzaf Ellcndi (Turkish subject and resident of Basrah), who has been
                given tho rank of Captain by the Sheikh and whoso designation is Commif.
                sioner of Police, Mohammerah. Since tho formation of tho police force
                robberies, eto., in the tow'n have been reduced to a minimum.
                    Adliyeh.—In December Sheikh Chassib Khan, Nusrat-ul-Mulk, Deputy
                Governor of Uqhammerab, notified this Consulate officially that he had inat£
                tuted a Judicial Court for the purpose of enquiring into police questions
                under liis own supervision. The Court is comprised of 8 members, 4 represent-*
                jbg the town, 1 the Arab tribe3, 1 Modei-el-Umum, 1 Mustantiq and the
                Sheikh himself.
                    The guard consisting of one non-commissioned officer, and six sepoya
                June with the approval of the Civil Commissioner in Mesopotamia.
                    Two loc.-.l Persians have now been engaged, and act as guards during the
                day. The night guard i6 furnished by the Sheikh’s Ghulams.
                    This department worked under Monsieur Andreiux as Director through­
                                               out the year. Several confiscations were
                                                made during the year, the most important
                being a conr’gnmenl of opium worth £T 750, which was being smuggled by
                come Chinaman crew of a merchant ship.
                    A petition signed by practically ail the leading merchaats of Mobaramerah,
                complaining against the general working of the Customs and its employees,
                was submitted to the Deputy Governor.
                    Two of the Customs employees, one an Italian subject, were also reported
                to Teheran by the Director for alleged misappropriation of Customs money.
                Oir?, a man named Paul (an Armenian of Isfahan), who was at one time a
                Director of Customs at Shushtar, was dismissed, but the cases against the other
                two have not been proved.
                    Worked satisfactorily during the year. The new offices are now occupied.
                                               A telephone line has also been laid to
                         Pert ted TUe^rxptu.
                                               Basrah by the Telegraph Department
                This, however, has been hired solely to the Anglo-Pershn Oil Company, Limi­
                ted, for their private use. The other British firms have protested against this,
                the contention being that facilities should also be extended to other British
                firms, and that it is detrimental to British Trade and British firms that any
                single firm should have the monopoly of the line.
                    Anglo-Persian Oil Company Limited.—The Company’s operations in the
                                               past year include a very heavy programme
                          Briiub Interest,-
                                               of extension work, the completion of
                which will probably double the marketable products at the present time
                    The through-put capacity of the present pipelines is being increased ny
                means of*additional pumping stations, the erection of which are being rapidly
                proceeded with at Mulls sani, Kufc Abdullah and Doru-u-Qwaio, early in the
                new year, and alone will increase the crude through-put by approximately one-
                third of the quantity at present available.
                    A new ten-inch pipe line is also in course of construction from Wais to the
                Oil Fields at Maid^i-Naftun.
                    At the Company’s Refinery at Abadan largo extension work is in progress.
                An additional site has been secured at Barwarda, some 1J miles below Abadan,
                where wharfage is being erected together with tankage adequate for the storage
                prior to export of the more dangerous petroleum products, at a safe disk*11^
                from the main Works.
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