Page 699 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 699
The Standard Oil Company of New York are probably bent on competing
with the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited. In October one of their
steamers, 8. 8. ° Aspinet”, arrived with a cargo of 57,000 caeca Kerosene oil for
Mohamraerah. This is the first ehipment from America since the outbreak of
the War. It is believed that she discharged Kerosene Oil at other Gulf port*.
Messrs. Grey Mackenzie and Company, Limited, and Messrs. Lyndh
Brothers, Limited, amalgamated under the title of “ Mesopotamia-Pertia
Corporation, Limited.”
The Mesopotamia-Persia Corporation, Limited, made a demand for reason
able facilities for landing through cargo to Ahwaz in bond until such time as
up-river charges were available. The Director of Customs objected to this, on
the ground that Corporation did not possess suitable bonded premises. A
settlement was finally arrived at whereby this is to b8 permitted on the condir
tion that the Corporation will be hold responsible for payment of duty on any
package which may be short-landed at Aliwaz-this applies to packages receipted
for to ocean steamers and not those short-landed by, ors hort received from,
The Imperial Bank of Persia carried on its work during the year.
The Indian Convalescent Depbt continued till April when it was trans
ferred to Basrah. Most of the material
Hi Jtarj Convalescent Dopftt.
was removed by the Military, but the
buildings and huts were sold by public auction by the Government Auctioneer
o' Basrah. Thrte of the buildings were given to H*ji Bais-ut Tujjar, C.LE.,
as compensation for any loss he might have: incurred in deterioration of date
crops. The majority of the huts were purchased by Messrs. The Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, \sho removed them to Abadan, and erected__
one near
the Company’s offices atlMohammerab, as quarters for their-Indian clerks;
Haji Bais’s buildiDgs are still standing on the site, aud have now been
leered by the Officer Commanding River Surveys Port Directorate, to be used as
a Tidal Observation Camp at Mohammerah.
Assistant Surgeon 0. B. Lincoln,
Quuanline and hoalth. M. B.E., held the post of Quarantine
j 2; cJ?1'‘bk “» ®SS^'WK8,S£& a
few cases of plague occurred during the months June to August,
(Sd.) C. H. LINCOLN,
U.U Britannic Majesty* Acting Consul
for Aradittan, Mohammerah,