Page 695 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 695

                                   *0R THE TEAR 1919.
                                       Gaih District.
                Tho Sirdar of this district is Husain Khan. Ho is still very young and
            and unable to look after his own interests, Mahmud Khan of Fanooch was hn
            guardian till August 1919, during which time he looked only to hu» own
            interests, and filled his pockets with revenue collected on behalf of Husain
            Khan, ns also got possession of as many rifles and as much ammunition as he
            could coax out of Husain Khan. Since August, Husain Khan has been trying
            to manage the district himself, but gets very little of the revenue as he is
            easily led and fleeced by those around him. Mir Din Mohamed of Dashtyan
            has been doing his best to get a share in the governing of Gaih district, and
            wished to marry Husain Khan’s sister-in-law, but permission was not given,
            Husain Khan foreseeing that this might lead to Din Mohamed getting sway.
            There wore several rumours that the neigboouring chiefs intended driving
            Husain Khan out of Gaih but the only man who actually took action was
            Rustam Khan of Champ, who raided Gaih taking away a fair amount of loot
            and some prisoners.
                                       Bint District.
                This district was under the joint administration of Yahya Khan and his
            nnelo Nagdi Khan, until the end of October 1919 when, during the absence'of
            the latter, the former captured his fort, and retained possession for nearly two
            months, llir Din llcbamed of Dcshty&ri, who was in Bint during the time,
            is caid to have supported Yahya Khan. The people of Karwan aad Joushder,
            who are considered subjects of the chief of Bint, do not however acknowledge,
            him as cuch ; they have been interfering with and damaging our line3 periodi­
            cally (at tho instigation of Khalifr.ii Khair Mohamed, who is always inciting
            them against the British and who rerides in a small village near Fanorcb), and
            tlio chiefs of Bint have done nothing to punish them. The culprits in K&rwaa
            are caid to bo relations of the men executed for the murder of Mr. Graves
            about twenty years ago and to have left the Karwau district, throwing in their
            lot with Khalifah. The Joushder culprits are said to reside in the villages of
            Jouc.der, Toladar and Gunz.

                                    Dashtyabi Distbict.
                llirs Mahmud Khan and Din Mohamed are the joint chiefs of this district.
            A considerable amount of ill-feeling exists between them, but to all appearances
            they are friendly.
                                      Bahtj District.

                Mirs Subhan Khan and Ahmed Khan ruled this district throughout tho
                There is seldom, if any, trouble in this district; the chiefs being very
            quiet and treating their subjects with kindness.              6 J

            to beifbetter on^than thefiast.9 ^llen*i^al and coming harvest is expected

                There had been a considerable number of deaths due to influenza but the
            epidemic has been very light as compared with last year.
              ^                            ©listed throughout tho country during and
            np to the end of the year 1918, is gradually subsiding and, except for the people
            whocontmuetostandby the Khalifah Khair Mohamed, the country ^ a
            2SJSS1 respVtfe.^ " haTe                             ^
                Our relations with all chiefs have been and continue to be friendly.
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