Page 703 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 703

                                    POR THE TEAR 1019.

                Political.—Throe events of importance have occuried during ye*r.
                X. Tho defeat and capturo of a notorious gang of brigands beaded bf
            Jaffar Quli Khon and Riza Juzdani, who had for the past year infested thp
            Lynch Road, on tho 10th June.
                2.  Tho formation of a commission for internal Bakhtiari affairs, on the
            6th August.
                3.  The resignation of the Illkhani, Sirdar Zaffar and the Xllbegi, S^dar
            Ashjaa, on the 23rd. October.
                The first which was engineered by our influence, and assisted by our money
            armB, ammunition, following as it did upon the Bakhtiari victory over the
            Kughilu chiefs in 1918, had the effect of making the Lynch Road safe to a
            degree bithertp not dreamed of.
                The second was brought about by a sincere desire on the part of the majority
            of the Khans to arrange some sort of stable Government for Bakhtiari,
            and to avoid the chaos and alterations resultant, on a change of the Illkhaniship
            and Dlbegiship which have hitherto taken place.
                A meeting of the Khans was held in Isfahan where they drew up a
            compact, which was afterwards revised by His Britannic liajestry's Vice-Consul
            at Chighakhor.
                Briefly, it consists of a Government composed of the Illkhani and Ilibegi,
             with two assistants each.
                The salaries of all six are fixed and the revenues, as much as possible of
             which were previously used by the Illkbani and Illbcgi for their personal use
             will now be placed to the benefit of the country. .
                The third occurred in October and is due to the unwillingness of the
             present Illkhani and Ilibegi to adhere to the new regime.
                It is expecled that the new Illkhani and Hlbegi when- appointed, wilt be
             compelled to carry out the conditions of the commission*.
                 In any case they have been shown the way and further interference
             seems unnecessary until such time as the Persian Government are prepared to
             deal with them.
                 Economic.—The opening of the other trade routes since the end of War
             has affected Bakhtiari badly. The road is a considerable source of income to
             them both from the tolls collected on the bridges and caravansaries. These
             have materially decreased and the anxiety of the Bakhtiari is manifested' by
             the fact that special orders have been issued by the XHkhani to all caravan-
             raidars against overcharging, potty looting, and other annoyances,  which
             had previously to be overcome by payments. The rate of freight has thus
             fallen in the last six months from Kraus 30 Shahmaund to Kin. 7.
                 The two bridges at Balutak and Shalil are badly in need of paint and
             overhauling, and I understand that owing to urgent requests the Mesopotamia-
             Persia Corporation are prepared to carry out this work if certain bad debts are
             made good, or if the cost is advanced by the Khans, but whether they will be
             feasible enough to pay for the maiatainance of this route through their territory
             remains to bo seen.                                               ""
             in Chadm^MaSaT^8 ^ 1X5611 prevalent amOD6st cattle and sheep, spedalij
                 Crop*.—Hare been good.

             « a ■*>0*,*^*-'"“8iiice ^khtiari expedition against the Kughflu in June
             and July 19JL8, the Kvgailua, except for a very minor squatAe amongst
             importance tOKyort^1"          *** “*nothing*!,.pol®
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