Page 705 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 705
Comparative statement of goods carried by cravans other than Mesopotamia*
Persia Corporation up the Batchtiari or Lynch Road for 1918 and 1919.
1018. 1019.
MuIob. Donkeys. Camel*. Mules. Donkeys. Camels.
Janaary 911 789 ••• MS
February 408 1,922 231 M*
March 657 1,838 99
April 4,317 203 1,638 3,392 817 910
May . 6,621 2,387 1,662 1.291 8,549 1,916
Jane • 869 1,886 1,629 2,438 237
July . 260 687 1,078 668 10
Aagoet 2.613 2,215 90 1.243 79
September 2.213 1,368 814 ! 7S3 67
October 2,466 817 1,879 1,007 347
More caber 1.118 18 1,291 1,034
December 1,163 624
Total load* 22,603 8,769 7,274 13,829 7,332 j 3,474
Toni 8,214* 626ft 1,668* 1,976* 627* | 744}
Total tom exported daring 1918 . . 6.399ft
.. 1919 , .
ft 9f M . 2,247*
Less exported in 1919 3,151ft