Page 702 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 702
Trade.—Tfao town of Naeiri has increased in size continuously and h
now joined up with old Ah was.
The appreciation of the rupee and ro-opening of the other trade routes inf
Persia, closed during the War, has naturally affected the trade here. The boom
which was bo Evident at tho end of 1918 has coasod, and the eloquent roaction
has Bet in. n
Business is lio .rever by no means at a standstill, and will no doubt
booomo steadier later on : the half yearly turn over of tho Ah'waz branch of
the Imperial Bank of Persia being Kraus 1,700,000 os compared with
Krans 1,185,000 in 1918. Q
The firm of Lynch Brothers who, in May combining with Messrs. Gray
Mackenzie and Company, Gray Paul and Company and Stephen Lynch
and Company, formea the Mesopatnmia-Persia Corporation, Limited, show
a decrease of nearly 60 per cent in their forwardings up the Lynch Road
as compared with 1918, a table of which is attached (appendix II). They
have, however, shown considerable activity in the district. Since the cessation
of hostilities they have been able to place two ships on the Lower Karun
and one on the Upper Karun.
The Anglo-Persian Oil Company have made considerable progress during
the year under report.
0 new wells have been sunk where oil has been struck.
3 new subsidiary pumping stations have been put in course of construc
tion which will considerably increase the output of Oil to the refinery at
Another !0r Pips Lize has been put in hand replacing the present Gr Pipe
Line from Tembi to Wife.
Bridges and roads have and are being made which will render their
communications to the Oilfields a matter of ease in all weathers.
Tha present average output of oil per diem from the Fi°ld is:—
l,0l»0,000 gallons day in coraparis -n with
700,000 gallons day "ra 1918.
The eod of the VTar has also rendered their labour, both European and
Indian, easier to obtain, but owing apparently to continued Government
requirements, the company is suffering from a shortage of river transport
which considerably hampers their operations.
A most successful agreement with tho Tfali of Pusht-i-Kuh has just been
concluded by His Majistry’s Vice-Consuls at Kermaoshah, Ahwaz (Captain
E. G. B. .Peel) aad a Company’s representative, with regard to the Company
extending their operations into that province. A surveying engieer has returned
from an extended tour of the communications, to the district where work will be
commenced and his reports are most satisfying.
Eeoetize:.—The revenue which is assessed and collected in money and
kind by the Sheikh of Mohammerah is taken by him, and he is then responsible
for a fixed paymeufc ot the Persian Government,
Customs receipts:—•
1st. half year 1919 . Kra. 1,919,711*60 as compared with
2nd, half year 1918 . Ere. 1,430,870*05.
Monsieur Catfereal held the appointment of Director of Imperial Customs
throughout the • year, his relations with the Yioo-Consulate being
foreign Interests—Nil
The Russian Consular Agency was suspended in October.
British .fast Office.—A b:&Dch of the Ahwaz Post Office was opened ia
tho Oilfields on 3rd September 1919.