Page 709 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 709
FOB TBS YF.A.H 1919. 63
Priests, Merohants and Notables are very cordial, and there is no shadow of
doubt that tbe presence of a Political Officer is genuinely welcome. When, in
.April, there was some talk of withdrawing Assistant Political Officera.from
Dizful, and tshushtar the greatest unrest was manifested and when I left Dizful,
at the request of the Officer Commanding, Ahwaz Area, to confer with him,
no caravan dared set out from Dizful as there was a general impression that
I had left for good. My return and the cancellation of the orders for the
removal of troops was the signal for rejoieiug, and on my return to Dizful I was
given a reception that was positively endwassing. I do not now consider that
the withdrawal of troops from Shush would have any adverse effect as long
as the Assistant Political Officer is retained. In conclusion, I should like to
record my high approbation of the services of the Head Mirzas in Dizful and
Shusbtar and of my Iudiau clerk and accountant. They have served loyally and
W. L. MEADE, Major, I.A.,
Assistant Political Officer, Dizful and Shush tar.