Page 732 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 732

No. 102-S., dated Buahire, tho 2nd May 1021.
                       From—The Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S .1., C.I.E., Political
                               Resident in tho Persian Gulf,
                       To—The Honourable Mr. De S. Bray, C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S., Officiating Foreign
                               Secretary to the Government of India in tho Foreign and Political
                               Department, Simla.
                    I have the honour to forward herewith, for the information of the Govern­
                ment of India the Administration Report of .the Persian Gulf Residency for
                the year 1920.

                                      EJLRA T U

                    On page 19 of clie Admiui <.traUcm Ec-pr/rt of the P<-r?ian
             Gulf Political Eesi'l-nc.y for the ye or 1920 (copy forwarded

             v'i+h Fci-t-ifeh «n<3 Political Department letter llo.VS-Kxt  • l
             deton 16th January 1923) please j.iisurt "A.W.Pegen 1.0.3." in

    r.f "G.A.G.Mungevin 1.0.3."

             Foreign art Political Department,
                       S I M L a;
                      The ’/^August 1923.
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