Page 727 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 727

POE THE YEAR 1019.                       71
                Major Henderson, K.E., I.W.T., arrived from Basrah on 27th July to test
            the Kuwait water plant on bohalf of Messrs Strick Scott and Company, and
           loft on 7th August.
               Lieutenant B. P. Jones, B.A.P, arrived from Basrah on 2nd November to
            select a suitable site for an aerodrome and having done so returned on 11th
               Establishment and personnel.—The charge of the Political Ageney con­
           tinued to be held by Captain D. V. McCollum to the forenoon of 5th June
           when he proceeded on leave to the United Kingdom. He returned and resumed
           charge of tho Agency on the afternoon of 15th December. During his absence,
           from 5th June to 15 th December, the charge of the cuirent duties was held
           by the Agency Head Clerk, Mr. L. M. D’Mello.
               Dr. 0. S. G. Mylrea, O.B.E., of the American Mission was in medical
           charge of the Political Agen«y aud quarantine arrangements throughout the
           year excepting during his summer leave to India (28th June to 14th October)
           whon Mrs (Dr.) E. E. Calverlcy noted for him.
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