Page 726 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 726


                  offering tho, hearty congratulations of Kuwait on the success of the war and
                  praying for a continuance of the favours leceivcd from His Majesty’s Govern­
                  ment, aud then presented a gold sword and dagger from Shaikh Salim and
                  requested acceptance of an Arab stallion as a personal gift from himself. His
                  Majesty replied in suitable terms and then presented him with an autographed
                  silver-framed photograph. The Shaikh was delighted with his reception at
                  tho Palace and especially with the kind words of His Majesty.
                      The Mission sailed from Glasgow on November 8th, after having visited
                  many places of interest in England and Scotland. A seven days’ tour of Egypt
                  was made on tho way out. The party arrived back in Kuwait on December
                  15th with Captain McCollum.
                      Politically, the Mission was a very great success. Shaikh Ahmad, who
                  is the heir apparent, has learned much in his travels and evinces a keen desire
                  to travel further in the future. He talks of tho backwardness of Kuwait with
                  regret aud blames his uncle, the present ruler,*for its unprogressiveness. Hib
                  ideas have been very much broadened and generally he promises well for the
                      Water plant.—The water plant started work on 17th March. On 18th,
                  water vas given free but only about 4,800 gallons were taken. The plant had
                  to be shut down again as there buyers for the water. Tho Shaikh and
                  the people alleged that the water was brackish. Mr. Walpole, General
                  Manager, Messrs. Strick Scott and Company, arrived on 31st March but as
                  he cou'd not arrive at a satisfactory arrangement with the Shaikhjie withdrew
                 his staff from the plant and left for Mohammerah with Mr. Herring, the
                  Engineer in charge, on 3rd April.
                     In May, the Shaik empowered the Political Agent to settle the dispute, and
                 the latter accordingly wenr to Mohammerah and concluded a new agreement
                 on behalf of the Shaikh for the working of the plant and thus ended the
                 differences between tho Shaikh and Messrs. Strick Scott and Company. But
                 when the plaut actually started continuous work on 4th, the water turned out
                 was distinctly brackish (due to a leak which was discovered some days later
                 and then put right) and moreover it failed to turn out 250 tons water in *12
                 hours, as required by the new agreement. The Shaik therefore refused to take
                 itoverunless and uutil the contractors had shown him by trial tests that it
                 could produoj tbo stipulated quantity of 260 tons in 12 hours or 400 tons in
                 24 hours of good water according to the original contract. This the contractors
                 are unable to do until perhaps they make extensive alterations and additions
                 in the water plant, as suggested by the testing Engineer.
                     Naval and Marine.—The following Naval and R. I. M. S. ships called a
                 Kuwait during the year;—
                     R. I. M. 8. “Hardinge” 20th February, R.I. M. 8. “Nearchus” 26th
                 March, H. M. S. Lawrence” 26th March and 28th August and H. M. 8.
                 “ Britomarfc*' 21th June.
                     American Mission.—Reports by Dr. C. S. G. Mylrea, O.B.E., and the
                 Reverend Mr Calverlcy, on tho medical and educational work, respectively, of
                 the American Mission form an appendix to this report.
                     Miscellaneous.—Shaikh Chassib arrived from Mohammerah on 3rd
                 February and returned to Failiyah on the 10th idem.
                     Lieutenant-Commander H. W< Thomas, lt.I.M., Sea Transport Officer,
                 left for. Basrah on 10th February.
                     Mr. J, H* Bill, I.C.S., Deputy Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
                 arrived from Bushire on 24th March and left on the 26th idem.
                     Hia Excellency 8haikh Sir Khazal Khan, G.C.I.E , K.C S.I., arrived from
                 Mohammerah on.20th March and returned on 27th April.
                     Mi*. O. E. Aitken, P.W.D., Assistant Engineer, Persian Gulf Sub-Division
                 arrived from Bushire on 30th April and left on 1st May.
                     Miss Wakefield, an English Lady-Doctor, arrived from Bahrain on 1st
                 May and a few days later left for Basrah. She came again from Basrah on 16th
                 November 1919, with the intention of going to Jebel Shammar but has not
                y^tleft fdr that place, not being able to mako arrangements for her journey*
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