Page 729 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 729
annual retort for the Persian gulf political residency, for 101a. 73
Tho American Hospital continues to grow in popularity and the amount of work done
s’hows u steady increase. Dr. Mylrca as absent on leave three and a half mouths besides
being laid up for a further fortnight, but in spile of this the totals are higher than last year.
On the men's side 8,772-treatments were given, of which 2,’434 were new cases. On the
women's tide 5.GOO treatments were given, of which 2,100 were new cases. The grand total for
both sides v.ns 14,372 treatments. Mrs. Calverley, assisted by Miss. Scurdofield, has been in
charge of the women's department. 8G men and 27 women were received iuto the wards as
in-patients. 235 surgical operations were performed during the year. The increase in the
number of professional visits to people in their homes is remarkable being about double last
year, 692 visits were made to men and 251 to women. The G92 visits to men
inctuded the treatment of 143 individuals or an average of something less than 5 visits per
patient. Ono of these patients was the little 60u of Shaikh Jabir bin Mubarak who very
nearly succumbed to pneumonia but, we are glad to say, eventually made a complete recovery.
Financially, we have every reason to be satisfied, and the people of Kuwait are showing by
their generous treatment of us, their appreciation of benefits received. A new block build
ings, to be used as a hospital for women, is in course of construction. Its final completion
is temporarily held up for lack of funds.