Page 747 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 747


                                  Excise Department.
              Bandar Abbas.—This Department was administered as a branch of: the
          Malich until the month of July, when it was handed over to the charge of the
          Karguzar. The lattor complained that there was a deficit of Tomans 490 in
          the balance handed over to him and the dispute is not yet settled.
              On 27th August Amad-i-Daftar arrived from Kerman to take over the
          department, hut as the Karguzar refused to hand it over, he proceeded to
          Bushire to get authority, and returned and assumed charge on the 17th
              Lingah.—The department was separated from the Malieh and put under
          the control of Mirza Jaffer from the beginning of the year.
              Mirza Jaffer is one of the moving spirits in the intrigue against the Deputy
          Governor and is a typical democrat.
              Bander Abbast Lingah, Minab.—This year a new tax of 30 per cent, has
          been levied on all tobacco, whether grown for the consumption of the jiroducer
          or for sale. The novelty and the extreme severity of the tax has roused the
          greatest discontent and opposition. The inhabitants of Kalyan in the Minab
          district deliberately ruined their crop rather than pay such a prohibitive tariff,
          and the people of Gurband only paid after some noting, which necessitated
          the despatch of armed men to the village by the Deputy Governor of Minab.
              The duty on tobacco which is to be exported abroad is 25 per cent, and
          this is collected by the Customs.
              Bander Abbas.—Monsieur Bourgeois was Director of Customs until
          the 24th March, when he was relieved by Monsieur A. Eourman.     Tho
          relations between the latter and His Majesty’s Consulate have always been
          most cordial.
              Lingah.—Carinx K. Keverkian, an Armenian clerk, was in charge of
          the department until the 21st March, when Monsieur L. Cailier
          assumed charge. The lattor proceeded to Bushire on 10th August leaving
          Mohamed Ali to act in his absence. While at Bushire Monsieur Carlier died
          and Mohamed Ali has remained in charge up to the end of the year.
              Relations between the Vice-Consulate and the Customs have been friendly
          throughout the year.
              Bandar Abbas.—Haji Muslim was in charge of the Department through­
          out the year. The department levies a monthly house tax and a toll on all
          goods entering and leaving the town by land, and the proceeds are devoted
          to street cleaning, coolie hire, etc. There is a substantial balance in the banki
          and a scheme for a better water supply is under consideration,
             Lingah.—This department is being administered by Kalantar Mohamed
          Baqir, Aminul-Riyayeh. He collects a tax of one kran per house from all
         Persian subjects in addition to the Navakel taxes.
             No steps have yet been taken to improve this department.

                                 Condition op Country.
             Bandar Abbas and Lingah.—These districts have been quiet and safe
         during the year.
             Minab.—Various disturbances have occured in this district, where the
         proximity of the lawless and inaccessible inhabitants of Biyaban is a con­
         stant menace to the security of the city.
             In the month of Ootober Haji Kamber Dadi, Kalantar, of Kalyan, the
         Eastern most district of Minab, was murdered by Faqir Kassim, ox head of
         tufangchics in Minab, and Mir Yaqub, brother-in-law of Mir Barkat. For a
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