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Telegraph and Persian offices. On 5th December tho Indo European Tele
! graph Department acting on instructions from Teheran stopped accepting all
traffic for tho interior except Political and Military Messages.
Two British and three Italian aeroplanes arrived at Bandar Abbas during
tho yonr.
The aeroplane in which Captain Mathews of the Boyal Air Force Corps
was flying from Bushiro to Karachi made a forced landing at Bustaneh about
20 miles from Bandar Abbas on 3rd February. Captain Mathews came into
Bandar Abbas with a local guide the same day. Captain Mathews accompanied
by the Officer Commanding Station, Bandar Abbas, and Ilis Majesty’s Consul,
left on tho launch “ Karanja ” for scene of the accident to bring in the machine
and ascertain what could bo dono to salve it. After effecting temporary
repairs Captain Mathews flew in from Bostaneh on the 19th and left for
Oliarhar on tho 23rd after necessary repairs.
In June, Vico Air Marshall W. G. Salmond, Commanding Royal Air Force,
Middle East, Cairo, arrived by R. I.M.fl. “Lawrence II” and inspected
the aviation ground. He sanctioned tho construction of rooms for keeping
a stock of petrol, which were completed in tho month of September.
A small Wireless Installation of 250 Volts has also been constructed in
the mouth of June, and is intended for aviation purposes only.
His Majesty’s Representative received a telegram from Karachi from the
two Italian aviators Ferrarian and Masiero thanking him for the reception and
assistance they received at Bandar Abbas. Lieutenant Biancalani, the Italian
Aviator stationed at Bandar Abbas, also thanked His Majesty’s Representative
for the assistance given his colleagues and added that he had telegraphed to
his Government drawing attention to the assistance given his countrymen by
the British authorities.
Visits of His Majesty’s Representatives.
Bandar Abbas.—Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I.E., arrived
on the 11th April and left the same evening.
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir A. T. Wilson, K.C.I.E., C.M.G., D.S.O., the
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor,
C.S.I., C.I.E., the Deputy 'Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, arrived
on the 30th October and left the same evening.
ling ah.—Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.I.E., Deputy Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf, arrived by R.I.M.S. “ Lawrence ” on the 12th
British Indian Troops.
On the 12th May the detachment of the 120th Infantry consisting of two
British Officers, four Indian Officers and 165 other ranks including publio
and private followers was relieved by a detachment of the 71st Punjabis con-
sitting of one British Officer, one Indian Officer and 68 other ranks including
public and private followers.
One doublo company of 2-112th Infantry, which arrived by S. S,
“ Bandra” on the 3rd December, relieved the detatchment of the 71st Punjabis
the same day.
Garrisons for the Baghdad Political Deportees Camp at Henjam and tho
Anglo-Persian Oil Company’s settlement at Kishm, are supplied from Bandar
PoliticaL Prisoners.
An Internment Camp for Political Deportees from Mesopotamia was
established on tho Island of Henjam in July, a guard of Indian Troops under a