Page 748 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 748
few days thoro appeared to be some danger of Mir Barkat attacking Minab but
the danger did not materialize.
In November Taj Mohamed and two men of Gkulam Shah Tahirzai
looted some houses in Kargan, and the Deputy Governor sent tufangchies
to cut off their retreat. A fight ensued in which Taj Mohamed’s brother was
wounded. The robbers took refuge in the house of Abbas Khan, cousin of
Mir Barkat, who promised at the time to restore tho stolen property, but later
repudiated his promise.
In November ten Awazis came in from Minab and took bast in His
Majesty’s Consulate, Bunder Abbas, complaining that a man had insulted tho
Sunni Religion in tho Minab bazaar on the occasion of tho death ceremony of
the second Khalifah. The object of their complaint was to obtain tho
dismissal of the Deputy Governor rather than the satisfaction of any wounded
religious susceptibilities.
Laristan.—The province enjoyed peace throughout the year.
Bastak.—Nothing of any importance occurred in Bastak and district
during the year. Soulat-ul-Mulk, Khan of Bastak, continued to be loyal to
His Excellency the Qawam-ul-Mulk.
* Shib Kuh.—Quarrels were reported between the followers of Sheikh
Mazkur Khan of Gaobandi and Sheikh Ibrahim Hammadi early in the year
but peace was made afterwards.
Condition of Roads.
Bandar Jbbas District.—No robberies of any importance have been
reported during the year. One caravan bound for Kerman with goods belong
ing to Mr. Wetli wa$ robbed in the Tangi Lambi near Gakhum on the early
morning of tho IGLh November. Nine camels, seven with, and two without,
loads, were said to have been stolen.
Ling ah District.—The road between Lar, Bastak and Lingah was safe for
caravans throughout the year. Minor robberies by the Nafar robbers were
reported between Bastak and Lar.
About 17,060 donkeys and 4,410 camels left Lingah for Bastak and Lar
with piece goods, sugar and kerosine oil during the year.
Arms Traffic.
It was reported on May that a Balucb named Mobin bin Mubarak had
bought about 400 riflles at Dubai in April and had taken them by a boat
especially brought from Sajieh, near Jask, to Shiliran. Prom there it was
believed that the smuggled rifles would be conveyed by camels for sale in the
interior. The Residency Agent, Shargah, was asked to make enquiries, but
the report was received too late for any effective action to be taken.
Late in December three Khuristanis came into Bunder Abbas with the
Government rifles. Two of the men were caught and severely punished by
the Deputy Governor, but the third, a well known criminal, escaped. The
rifles were confiscated and deposited in His Majesty’s Consulate.
A sailing boat “Mab'moodi” owned by IThakardas Valji Pardan of
Catch Mandvi grounded off Bustaneh in October. Almost all the cargo was
salved and the boat beached.
Bandar Abbas-Kerman Telegraph Line.
No cases of wilful damage to the telegraph line have been reported during
the year. In October a Persian Telegraph Superintentent named Cyrus
arrived from Kerman and opened a Persian Telegraph Office in tho town,
On 30th November a loop line was complete linking up the Indo-European