Page 105 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 105

Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958     495
                       Soudl-Arabian PoloRofrlon and H.M.G. Discussions
                         in London. Stlu to    August, 1951*

             Throo main aubjooto woro undor discussion.

        X. Land boundarloo botwqon 3,B. Snudl-Arobla nnd odjaoont States.
                  Thlo problem has oooupiod tho attention of tho Foroign Off loo,
             Intermittently, for maiy yooro without bolng solved.
                  Amir Faisal, non pf Ibn Saud Vnd lo^uor of the Saudi' Delogation,
             exprooaed eurprioe that H.M.G. constantly referred beok'to the blue end
             violet boundary lines of the 1913 and 19Uf Anglo-Turkish Treaties, sinoo
             it woo well known that Ibn Saud hnd rogslnod power in that area b of ore the
             1913 Troaty,
                  Following up 7aiaal*a personal suggestion during the current
             meetings, IhlCO, and Ibn Saud have agreed that a'oonferonao oho 11 be
             orpangod in the near futuro with the objoot of achieving agreement on
             tho frontiers, In addition to Ibn Saud's Delegation, tho oonference would
             be ottonded by tho Ruloro of Qatar, Abu Dhabi and of othor States oonaomed,
             under the leadership of a British Pclogatc who will oorvo ea ohairmnn of the
             group of rulerB in treaty rolotlons with JLM.O. Tho mooting plaoe has yet
             to bo dooided.

                  It was agreod by both parties that, until the oonoluolon of tho
             aonferenoo to bo hold in the oaaing winter, tho movements and activities
             of representatives of tho oil oanpeniea on both oidoe and alao movamonta
             and aotivitioo of tho Truoial Oman Lavieo would bo rootriotod to areas
             outaido that whioh will be tho subject of disousoion at the oonferonoe.
             This was agreed by both parties without prejudloo to their rights in the
             areas whioh will bo under disousoion.
        II, The division Of submarine areas and the ownership of lolonds.
             reefs and shoola botwoon Saudi Arabia and Bnhroin.

             (a) Division of submarine arose.
                   1LM.G. submitted a momorandttn to tho Saudi Delegation, sotting forth
             their views as to the appropriate means of division of the noabed.
                   The two Dologationa eventually egrood that tho submarine areas
             between Saudi-Arabio and Bahrein should be divided by a line to be drawn
              in aooordanoo with equitable principles. As an example tho British Delegation
              submitted a map showing a raothod of establishing tho line* the SaudL Delega­
              tion also prosontod a special map indicating its view regarding tho drawing
              of the lino.
                   It woo agreed tliat any final delimitation of the seabed would depend
              in certain oobos on tho deoioion as to tho ownorehip of oertaln iolanda and
              (b) Islands, reofa and shoals in dispute.

                   Tho British recommend that Lubalnah al-Kabirah, Lubalnah al-Saghirah,
             and FaBht Abu Ssfah should bolong to Bahrein, and Ronnie Shoals to Saudi Arobia.
                   On tho other hand the Saudis consider that Lubalnah al-Kabirah and
             ??.sht Abu SvSth should be their property, leaving Lubsisah cl Ccghirch cr.d •
             Rennie Shoala for Dalirciu.
                   It heo been agreed that after tho ownership of those iolanda and shoals
              lias boon settled and oftor tho ooabed dividing line has been drawn, the
              submarine areas, roofs, shoals and lolundo on cither aide of the line shall
              belong respectively to Saudi Arabia and Bahroln, Each of the parties has
              roaorvod its position.                                        /ill
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