Page 103 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 103

Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958    493


                     mainland)ouchl to ontiafy nil the
                     dooircs that the Snudis might ever
                     have with record to boncf 1 ta "to be
                     dorlvod from oil, and it v/aa unllkel;
                      that an exploitation in the Fasht
                     Du Saafa urea would greatly affoct
                      tho huge total of Saudi’ oil
                      rovonuoo, whercan it might bo of
                      tho greatoot Importance .to Dahrnln.
                     The poaolbllty ohould also bo
                     considered of exchanging an aroa
                      further south ao a "quid pro quo"
                      for the rotontlon by Dahrnln of
                      tho Du Saafa area in tho north west.
                      (f)   If DArCO were now deprived of
                      thio area, both they and tho Ruler
                     would suffer considerable loos on
                     account of all the work and
                     expenditure carried out thero and of
                      the inatallation of boocons which                      Z
                      they had erected and which v/ould now                  0
                     bo of no benefit to them.
                      (g)   Mr. Denochoton loft with mo a
                      compi'chensivo memorandum of DAPOO'o
                     case for retaining ownership of tho                     X
                      Funht Bu Saafa area and he also                         h
                      promised to provide any further
                     material or information that he                          Z
                     might acquire in futuro. He is
                      returning to the United States on                       2
                      the 16th June, but will keep in
                      touch with Colonel Galloway who will
                      let us have any further information                     s
                      that might be of use.
                 5. Conclusions:                                              Id
                      Taking into consideration tho                           O
                 dividing line principles which we intond                     H
                 to propose to the 3oudis in our
                 forthcoming negotiations it oeems clear                      0
                 that the Fnsht nu Saafa Shoal will fall oi                   5
                 the Sdudi side of tho median line. It                        X
                 will be too far- away from that line to                      F-
                 pormit a small deviation bolng made so ns                    z
                 to include tho area on the Bahrain side.
                 It is evidont however that this area is
                 now assuming increasing importance as it
                 may b<r the one place which can assuror**"
                 Bahrain jvTa stoady revonue in future
                 when her own main revenue on tho mainland
                 decrcasos. It is Important, therefore,
                 that wc ohould endeavour by every means?
                 political and economic*to retain this
                 area for Bahrain. Y/e have already
                 decided that wo should try to retain
                 Bahrain fishing and pearling rights in
                 that area^to which wo consider Bahrain
                 hove a prescriptive title^ but these righto
                 v/ould not extend to the resources of the
                 subsoil itoelf. We must now consider
                 whut arguriiento we can put forward to
                 givo Bahrain ownership of the sea bod and
                 tho subooil resources in that area. Since
                 it was only whon tho possibilities of
                 oil* being found became apparent that
                                            / the
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