Page 99 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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Saudi Arabia-Bahrain seabed boundary, 1951-1958    489
                                                      BRITISH' RESIDliNCY,

        r-ONUTnKNTTAB.                                     BAHRAIN.
          1000/9                                        2nd June, 1951.
                   Ploaoo refor to your letter 70/l/51 of May 22nd ubout the line
               dividing the oca-bed and nub-noil arcan appertaining renpcctivcly
               to the Neutral Zono and to Saudi Arabia. So far an I can dincover
               from our filoo no formal deoinion ban yot been tuken regarding the
               principle on which we think such linen ohould be drawn, but our view
               appoaro to be much oloner to Arainco'n idea than to KaePhernon'o.
               2.  In 19U9 a Joint report was drawn up (the Ooggn-Kennedy report)
               by a member of tho State Department and a member of the Admiralty
               regarding an orderly and equitable longitudinal line und lateral
               jurisdiction linen in the Persian Gulf. In denoribing the principle
               v/hich they followed in drawing tho lateral linen the report otaten:
                        "It in proponed that the following method or technique bo
                   applied in laying down the lateral limitu (trannverne linen):
                        Dcncribe a acrlon of arcs of circlcn, beginning at a
                   radius of three nautical inllcn, and at increments of three
                   nautical miles, drawn from all points on the L.VV. line of the
                   jnalnland of the contiguous ntatos. Murk the intersections
                   of the envelopes of arcs of 3-niLlc, 6-milev 12-mllo radius,
                   etc. - each envelope -drawn from the mainland of ono state as
                    if the land of the adjacent state v/crc water instead of land.
                   Connect tho seaward terminus of the boundary within territorial
                   waters (at the intersection of the envelope of arcs of 3-mile
                    radius) with tho intersection of the envelope of arcs of 6-milo
                    radius; and then connect tho successive intersections of the
                    envelopes of arcs of circles us drawn above. This line, it io
                    proposed, will be used as the lateral limit of jurisdiction
                    of contiguous states all the way from the coast to the median
                    line, except whero it is mutually agreed to udopt a modification
                    thereof bccauoo it appears not to constitute a fair und just
                    division of the waters concerned, or because it is unacceptable
                    for any othqr reanons."
               I do not know whether the report, or this part of it, hao yet been
               formally acknowledged as stating His Majesty's Government1s considered
               3.   There arc of course a number of other ouch lateral lines to be
               decided and since, so far as I know, no concessions have yet been
               granted for the sea-bed areas of either Kuwait or the Neutral Zone
               tho othoro seem to require decision firot, and for the time being
               I think it would bo better not to any anything to LlacPhcrson.
               K.   I am copying this letter, with yours under reference, to Eastern

                                                              (C.M. Ic Quesne)

            H.G. Jakins, Esq  •»
               Political Agont,
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