Page 98 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 98

400                        Records of Bahrain

                        Thoir claims to these places wore made on aimilar gr/ounds to
                        the claims of Bahrain and especially on the fact that Both
                        the places which they claimed lie nearer to the Saudi Arabian

                        coast that to Bahrain.
                        6.   No further progress was made on this and the Amir Faisal has
                %       agreed to submit our recommendation to King Ibn Saud.   In the

                        hopes of achieving an over-all settlement we offered to make a big
                        concession over the Kuwait islands where our claims are weaker,
                        but the Saudis were not prepared to give way and we felt that
                         the time was not appropriate to suggest any modification on our

                         part over the Bahrain proposal.
                         7.   We havo ascertained from the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                         representative hero that even half the Fasht-bu-Sa'ofa shoal would

                         represent a commercial proposition for them if oil is found there.
                 a       We would therefore be prepared to concede half the shoal to Saudi
                 \7      Arabia if this would provide for a final settlement.  We consider
                         this shoal to be important for Bahrain economically as it is her

                         only other potential source of oil. Although Bainah-al-Kabir has
                         virtually no economic value to Bahrain we are not prepared to
                         concedo this island unless the Shaikh should bo willing to do so

                         in the interests of a friendly settlement with Saudi Arabia. We
                         appreciate however the strong sentimental attachment of the Shaikh
                         to this place.
                         8, The Saudi Delegation agreed in general with our proposed
                      1. mothod for delimiting the seabed area. The drawing of the line

                       - will however be dependent on the ownership of the foregoing
                Y>       islands and shoals. The Saudis proposed an alternative mothod of
                      | delimiting the area but practical offeot  was almost the same as
                       \ our own and we do not expoot much difficulty in reaching agreement
                         on this.
                                                                         /B. Kuwait.
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