Page 208 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 208

590                       Records of Bahrain

                            (fy|>|}cr  0. T.P,

                            l'T0\\\    FOREIQN OFFICE        Hr-    BAHRAIN

                            Dcupnluhud 0th August, 1952.     Received 0th August, 1952.

                            No. 500                 of   7th August, 1952
                                 Qatar sea-bed operations.
                                *. Shell have asked for the definition of the (area in

                            wl>^ch they may oporate under the concession which they have
                            beofl promised by Rulor of Qatar. Wo would propose to give
                             thorn samp area as was given to Superior in our lotters of
                             0th September, 1950 (unnuinbored) EA 1273/63 of tho ’9th

                             November, 1950 und EA 1273/69 of the 6th January, 1951.
                             2. 'Area dofined in these lotters howovor excludes the
                             ax’ea off the north-west of Qutur referred to in para 4 of
                             our letter to you No.EA 1273/60 of the 13th December, 1950.
                             Y/itn regard to this area please suy whether any action was
                             takpn with the Ruler or Superior subsequent to our letter
                             EA 1271/8 of the 20th August, 1951.   If not do you agroo

                             that Sheell should bo given this area on condition that
                                  Vive 110 adequate notico of any operations they intond
                             to .parry out there so thut we may inform the Ruler in
                             pdyanco ? Alternatively you may think it bolter to tell
                                         iAGuiii. () «mlv) | <|| \Vj K (:«. I.JIIJ
   1                                                             yo/j?  - SOS FA -


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