Page 205 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 205
Bahrain-Qatar seabed, 1951-1960 595
ao a full reply to hlo lotter of the 23rd May, \9U9.
5. Aa International Marine are anxioua to reoume operationo
between Bahrain and Qatar aa ooon aa pooaiblo I ohould be grateful
if you would kindly inform me by telegram whether the line of action
propoaed in this letter io approved. If it io not approved
I intend, if thero ia no objection, to talk to the Ruler
peraonally bofore addreaaing him in the manner proponed in Purlonge'o
letter, though I have little or no hope of persuading him to bo
reaaonable. I would then write to him on the linea of Furlonge's
draft. I should be grateful for confirmation that after this
I ahould tell International Marine to go ahead with their sui^rey
operationa over the Qatar aea bed and that both we and they
ahould bo prepared to face tho conaequencea.