Page 209 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 209

Bahrain-Qatar seabed, 1951-1960              599
                                                                isv v       l—
              Registry                                          August,. 1952.

               Top Secret.
               Secret.         After ConiiTlimente.
               Confidcntlil.                                             lottor
               Hcttrlcted.          I have tho honour lo rofor to Mr. Polly'0/
                               uddi’easod to Your Uighnoaa No. C/1226 of 23rd
              Draft, lottor    Docombor, 1947 on tho subject of tho boundary
                  To           delimiting tho rights of Your Highnous in tho
             Ilia lilghnooa Shalkl   bed of tho gcu lying botwoen Your Highneso'
            Sir Uulinan bin
                                territory und tlio territory of Ilia lixcelloncy tho
            Hamad Al Klialifah  1
            K.C.M.O., K. C. I. IS. y
             Ruler of Bahrain.  Shaikh of Qatar.
                               2.   In tho second paragraph of that lottor it v/aa
         Z                     stated that tho lino of demarcation would extend
         5                          Iw
         Cd                    fromjy point which was marked ua'M' on tho copy
                               of a map which wao oncloaod for Your IlighnoGs'
         X                     inforu«tion und w lyfch  would continue us far‘as
                               tho Bahrain Light Voouol. North of this point
                               no dclimitution v/aa at the time hold to bo
         w                     noceoaary.
         2                     3.   I have now boon instructed to notify Your
                               Highness that the Buhrain Petroleum Company aro
                               being informed that wo have no objection to thoir
         H                     canning out survey oporations in tho urea to tho !
         Z                     oust of tho lino joining tlio Bali ruin light voaaol
         h                     und tho point 27°H. 52° 20' Y/ provided they undor-
         o                                        u
         z                      utund tliat this Is the tontutivo lino given for
                                tho purpose of oil survey only and without
                               prejudice to tho final delimitation of the aoa
                               bod boundary liorthwurdu from tho Buhrain Light
                               4.   With regard to tho sea bod boundary south­
                                wards from tho Bali rain Light Vosool I havo boon
          3                     ins true tod to ututo in roply to the 3rd paragraph
          1                     of Your Highness' lottor of tho 22nd peptember,
          I                     1951 that Hor Majesty'a Government consider that
                                your lottor of tho 23rd May, 1949 was fully
                                replied to in tho Political Agent's lottor
                               No.C 39/11/40/51 of tho 14th May, 1951.
                                                             Usual ending.
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