Page 214 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 214

604                       Records of Bahrain

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                            recognise Joradch ns an island,   If we were now to
                            recognise it as an island and awarded it to Bahrain on
                            the ground that it lies west of the Modlan line, would
                            not the effect of this decision "be to necessitate a
                            further move onstwards of the Median line to take account
                            of the right of Bahrain to the territorial waters round
                            Jnradeh and Dibal, and thus lend to a considerable ?
                            accession to Bahrain’s sea. ,bed at the expense of Qatar *

                            0.   Tie should be grateful -for your views on this
                            proposal as well us for those of John Moberly to whom
                            I am copying this latter, i
                            9.   Could you please let us have another copy of the
                            map enclosed in your letter., for thoj Agency?
                                                   I'm/* CvC/,


                                                    (J. A. Ford)



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