Page 218 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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608 Records of Bahrain
(PA 1531/13) which would not Involve uo in taking anything away
from either Qutar or Shell. In addition to thin, I think wo
ohould at_lcaot_conpider declaring Juradoh to he an Island with V
tho conoequont of feoV on Dlbal. In my letter of
Octohor 7, 1559 (BA 1271/2), we booed our rejection of thin
possibility on tho fact that wo did not wish to altor tho 1947
uwurd - nor indeed do we wish to alter it in any fundamental
oonoo now. but »aving ooon from tho new comparative maps how
much the Kill or of Buhrain has loot by tho 1947 av/ard in the
centrul area, and because we aro now proposing to ’'altor’' tho
1947 award by extending tho 1947 lino (in a sense favourable
to tho Ruler of Bahrain) by following tho alignment given to
Shell bg u boundary, Instead of foil, wing tho true median lino
to the north of tho latltudo bf tho light chip, It would give uo
a pretext and an opportunity to deal with Jaradeh. I think wo
should do ao, if ibiu to, other with the northorn extension of
tho non-bed bounlury on tho lin.o proposed above would cr.nurc tho
Ruler's agreement to tho totall sou-bod! boundary so achieved.
5. T would therefore suggest that lf; th:. hulcr woro to rioo to
tho bait proffered in paragraph 2, our: next sl op (not ut the same
meeting) might be to put to him tho proposal In paragraph 4
:.nd not refer ut all to the more logical proposal In paragraph 3 -
nor initially admit tho oxton[t to which ho loses by the 1947 line
in tlie central area (ho would in uny case regard tho acquisition
of a mile or two thoro an uti 11 not {satisfying his full and rightful
i. clalmo against Qatar), though ao I have indicated wo might have
to bo prepared to consider a new deal on tho linos of paragraph
3 if he wore to insist on traiing logic and consistency with us*
6. I think that v;e should bo able to moot objections from Shall
and Qatar to tho solution in paragraph; 4 by pointing to "now
geographical data" provision for which' woo envisaged in paragraph
7 of the 1947 leitor. Moriiovor if Bahraini agreement were
cnourctl \vw could benefit Qatar and Shell by giving Shell the
right to drill (and not merely survey) up to the boundary
oo achieved.
7. If we have to fall bad: on tbo poaoibility stubed in
paragraph 3 and redraw the whole boundary, we should tx^y to
curry Shell and probub'ly the Ruler of Qatar with uo In such an
excrclpc again, T suppose, on the groumo that parupjraph 7 of
the 1947 letter ullov/o of a revision. it would not bo easy
i iiov/uvex', and wo would have to bear in mind tho repercussions on
the Qutur-Abu r-habi »:uu bed boundary when the adoption cP the
true mod Ian line would favour Qatar and ftholl at the
oxpenoe of Abu Dhabi un.l ADBA,
/fl. I