Page 220 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 220

610                       Records of Bahrain

                               1 ^lk^Jljl—Cfc VI jIj                  POLITICAL AGENCY,
                                     * jJl                                   DOHA.
                             • nv           ; ir                      November 13, i960.

                            O*     ^<~JI >*—-Jlv>-1—9*x—*>- His Highneno Shaikh Ahmad
                                     ..  ..   .»    . ,, bin All A1 Thoni,
                                 *l —U,p_5L>*. y;K Jl KUicl> 0f Qatar,

                                          I I—A IJ\ ■ ■». Ij I,
                       , c l^JI              ___il           With reference to our
                                                         conversation this morning I nm
                        vl                             I
                          Si             I—o   J---- .. *JI  sending you in writing the text of the
                                              • ov—U message to Your Highness from His
                        pjULU      I *a_JI               highness the Ruler of Bahrain.
                                                              The message which was delivered
                        Cr-'-r         ----- II .-ull Jl—L
                                       ilpl y1-*     j_ji  to the Acting Political Resident with
  1!                                                     a request that I convey it to Your
                         O— »=■
                    Jjl—s        -K..II   i_>—Ifi-------- II u  jl Highness is as follows:  "I was
  1                                                      informed by the British Political
  I                 r*>                    r  _k*JI ^ aUl;
   ,                                       *JIj__LJr-<l|   Agen  in Bahrain of the abdication of
                     p-pOl ^—5 y  1      .—
  in                  U $_____ y 4 Jl  1  w>'*  i- >1—^z.  your father and of Your Highness's
   !                                                     accession as Ruler of Qatar,   I wish
                                              • * l  lilj
                                                         you al.l good fortune* and i^eace".
    :                           Jl                            Plcuse accept Your Highness the
                           >         I----O It 1^1
   it                  •f’A      vi, ^  ^1 o—*li J ;----- 1 -A  aosuronce of my highest consideration.


                        (   —t y—* * o— * o»r )                      (J.C. Moborly)
                   44—j^LU^jJI 'll M—»JI o—»L^J ^1^—H.i ^uJ|
                                                                 ll.B.M. Political Agent,
    ;                                 Ls
    .                           y                                        QATAR


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