Page 222 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 222
612 Records of Bahrain
Lk)l ______ tj British Residency,
* CL'
nv x—Jjj iy Movoinhor 17, I960
«u1\a) ly U I |jSYl i J.V.9- llis Highness Shaikh Sir Salmon
bln Hamad bin Ion til Khali fall,
<il>* J T Ly-^X ^ vUJ- O J~ Cl“^ ' K.C.M.O., K.C.I.K • i Hulor of
'•« 'V^ f'W Bahrain.
J I ^ j——»~J I p-i’U-
After greetings and complinionto.
You will recall that whon I
cJ JZ U ^1 o jjf'Xi •
Jyi IT £. f- *».. La had the honour of being rocolved by
Your Illghuoss on the lSSth of Novombor
;___it -j J t ----- jl urla Zli\y
II X Z+in# C4I----- - ! you agreed that an oral mosaage should
O' r
1*5 fS\—y*. .. ..... J I I— bo send from you to llis llighnons tho
j- i
t. 1 j—sju----------- Ruler of Qatar through llor Majosty's
Political Agent in Doha.
J. ji^j <JM__>oi ___ J
2. l'he uiossugo was duly delivered
4 JL —I wV .»jJ •T
by tho Political Agent and llis
I__ --JI j. -=-Ji Jb—
is- d I j« ....11 i~»^l .-.jj j Highness Shaikh Ahmad bln Ali Al Thuni
has roqiostod thut tho following
-Jl J—jul 0I v—lb
Jl* Ij, 4L.JUJI «JL^yJIf£ message should bo transmitted to Your
O' J'x*
llighnesp in reply
1 I wish to express my heart
o* 1 O1 V^j1 '
felt thanks and appreciation to
O' K+-+- jJI ------ O* ^—aJf*
£l | J_i; J Yo ir Highness for your measago
f --------J o
1 Jl f Ij J f—3 vr and my best wishna for tho
-—*—jj—lJ I j .. ^J] j L^J I j houlth and prosperity of Your
Highness as well as my wish
for tho full happiness of our
sister country Bahrain".
, o“* * J >—t* y rj» Pleaso accept, Your Highnono, the
•r^1 ) assurance of my deep respect and iny
qf s-
highest corisidorutlon.
( o1— *vr^*vr~#f *^
( M.C.Q. Man )
g__ L-Jlfijl J l—*4 r*NI Acting Political Hosidont*