Page 227 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 227

Petroleum affairs                    617

        M ® I Jjf T *       VTT      (------*J  no. con-722.          20 Juno, .

                   JT >u»- ^ ^LL» q■«Ul y*—   lliu Hl(',lu»uun iiliolUh Ulr JJulwan
                                                bln Ilanad nl Khril.ifoh, K.C.X«V,.
         in)-------*'fh  r  SI   • j I •   • y-  V  lUIIlSH OK UAlfllAJII.

                *Sj~i\ I   I Jjli j *—,^aJJ I
                                              Aftor UrootJivju:
              ^ LfJ J J---l    <jl ^lLal
                                                   Tlio Company undorotuxklii from hr
        J»,l > J—I j^l ^ I„WI c-U^JI 0I       iiklnnor that Your lllghnoos rocontly
                                              rwntionod to him tlio comparatively
       v^l 4+ U» ^ vjl ) j*—4jJ I C-U-jXI. ^
                                              largo rovonuo othor govornmonty hi
               jI^I 1 ol ^1 Ljy> | yil jl^l   tho MIxldlo Boot aro not/ rooulvlur.
                                              from tho davolopmont. of tholr oil
                             • J^lpl J»ilJI --4
                                              ro3ourco»i tlio nooil of Your ii3<;r«nu.i.-
                                               for more rovonuo tho fact that
                                              Ultimo so rocolvou no Incomo fru.i U»o
                                               lmi ortntlon of oil.
       -t—«juJI   1—i,*          *Sj—jJI          •JHio. Company i/lolioo Your Uii'huoou
             y~*n Cr—*i j (—ii/—r ei-Ji        to know that Mr, Gklrmor'u report of
                                               lilxj convorsntlon with Your llighnou ;
       •Sj------ 1JI J----- HOH- v I----- J-------------------(>1 a—J  lias boon taken uudi.x* advi:> \>j
        *—Kl vj-*3» .-A—t-o *—fJ------M)   ft* \jr-*  tho Comp or *y 5n Hoi/ York* mil 11k-
                                               Campany lo In uyuiptithy i/lth Uh. •
                                               point, of Your l(l(:iuiG3!i.
                Yf )H »—J I   jJ Jj^A4 jA l*f     As you kno/, under tho tormu of
                                               ltu concouuion tho Company lu not t»
       JJ*----->JI (>~J )*  *------C-------------- iM V
                                               pi\y an/ tax err Import, duty on (*31
         ' KJCJ , O,,------^Jl ^1 J,lpl li----- 4iJl  linnartml Into i)nhroiri.; but hoo.Miuc
       !■ —j11 j yS\ J. ■ i»ail if- l-----j- y  'i  of your nood for >.,oro rcivonuv; nni
                                               in tho llijht of othor ri.oont d. v-:lv. «
         >!*•          ------ .Jl c-I^I 1U,i >  liuntu, t.ho Company 1 voluuUiril/
        > •tui,! p-—,r-Jl     aJI I -if*— j    uikl Immediately l>-T.:hi to i»;v/ to V
                                               llip.linouo, bofjlnnJnp Jur*..- lo» . I ’•I
       J- —^ *»■«! I c   p—t-  *   * 0>f J |*  uubjoot to future duvolopr.wvii;: th.
              (X- tijj ..Ail «3l» ■   ) <Sf\ Xll ^ IfiM  monthly 3Uni of fJvwimalrod In .»
                                               Ilupoou (lls*!/. til) Olid**«
            ->,l •i   r      JjJ ------Sj I       Iho Coiupiiviy vluhou to tu'v. iVi.j
        J------ j I l.. ,*l j ------ifij j U  aOsJ  opportunity t » uuisuro /ouv -Ur’
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