Page 230 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 230

620                       Records oj Bahrain

                                    ww. of 1371
                                    No l(o ^
                                    Offico of the Advisor to
                                    the Government, Bahrain.
                                    Datod. April 6,     1952
                                         Rajab 12, 1371

                                 The Advi3er to tho Government of Bahrain,
                                                 Persian Gulf.


 1                                E. A. Skinner. Esq.,
                                      Tho Bahrain Petroleum Co  • 1  Ltd.,
                                                     Persian Gulf.

                           Dear Sir,
                                I am instructed by His Highness to write to
                           you on the subject of the discussions vhioh have
                           boon in progross for some wook3 between His High­

  ’                        ness and yourself regarding a revision of the pay­
                           ments which aro made by tho Company to tho Bahrain

   i                             2.   His Highness is not satisfied with tho
                           present revenue from oil.    lie finds that the
                           existing terms aro far less favourable thun those
                           which are now enjoyed by other Arab statos in this
                            region whore oil companies aro working,   Agreements
                            have been made lately by other Governments with the
                            oil companies holding concessions from them in which

                            the profits from the crude oil which is owned by the
                            state have boon equally dividod between tho state
                            and tho company which produco3 the crude oil,    In
                            ordor to arrive at a systom by which profits from
                            crudo oil are equally shurod His Highness proposes

                            that the Government's share of the profits should be
                            collected through a £0# income tax upon tho profits
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