Page 234 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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                    624                       Records of Bahrain

                              GOVERNMENT of BAHRAIN.

                                    No,              of 1371
                                    Offlco of tho Advisor to
                                    tho Govornmont, Bahrain
                                    Datod 27th Shaaban, 1371
                                          May 21, 1952.

                               C. Dalrympla Bolgravo, Esquiro, C.B.E.,
                                      Advisor to the Govornmont of Bahrain,
                                                             Persian Gulf*

 '                            Hor Britannic Majesty's Political Agent,

                              X have the honour to inform you that Ills Highness

                         has instructed mo to acquaint you more fully with the
                         reasons for hi3 demands for a revision in tho payments
                         to his Govennmont by tho Bahrain Petroleum Company.
                         Those demands formed tho subject of my .lotter No.1652-2013
                         datod 6th April 1952, addressed to Mr. E.A. Skinner.
                         2.   Tho Govornmont does not quostion tho legal right of
                         tho Company to continue to onjoy tho privileges w.dch

                         were granted to it, In return for b.»o obligations which
  !.                     wore assumed by the Company under tho exiaiiji ; contract.
                         Tho Government regards the present negotiations as a mutual

  '                      and voluntary effort to readjust tho compensation which Is
                         duo to tho Govornmont for those privileges and to bring it

                          into lino with corresponding compensations which are now
                         paid by oil companies to the Governments of other and
                          neighbouring statos.
                          3*   His Highness was surprised ut the tone of tho Company's

   i                      lottor, No.C/FA-53, datod 30th April 1952.   In this lottor

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