Page 229 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 229
Petroleum affairs 619
I 1 •» I V, . ' 1 VIA U Hi cow-760. 21 July, vrj 1-
^lv^.11 >Xi> ,'j—| p-^JI
Hlu Hlglu'iesu Uholldi olr Culmun
Ji_ bln Homed nl Khulifuli, K.C.l.lfi.,
,jij— ' V* ’ 1*1 * I/* ' l/ raiucn of uAimicm.
After Greetingst
>rji a#i—si . ri^VltuLj , i^>oJi ^ws«
With reference to our lot tor
\ /
•'* 1 J)* 0V« vn ^ jj, u,irf C Oil-722 of Juno 20, 1951, 1 n which
•w ,>l L^ol, *-> , wo Qfirood to make a voluntary
payment to Your Hlclinosu of l'lvo
( •—*tjj u * * * ) *—««JJ '-01 l«U—«i- £—I** hundred thousand rupeou per month,
wo desire to auam’o Your III|*l\no30
^—lt« ^1 p^*I>aJ j&yt ^1 Jj—J j I—4
that thlo voluntary payment of l’lvo
*« H *—njj '-'J* «—«-A- hundred thcAiaund rupooa per month
*. JU 1 —I £---- -i, , T-.1* o< u-J« will ba continued until such tiiiw
ns a oomprohonoiva overall; plan
IV»l v—j' ^ *■ -JI <i—i 1 *yJ L^a^l s la determined upon nnl wo furtlior
aosuro Your lllfjvieuy that under uny
r-iH (——*■ auch plan tho Uahroln Qovarninont
a._____II, ,*-l---- *il c-----UJl J---- \ V will receive not l.oosj than the uw.mnt
• I to I Jjl >-4 j----- »U y-M It would rocelvo unrtor tho br»c. ia ol*
pnyinonts which offoctlvo
June 1, 1951*
Hi.;* f1 ** x’if* .>■ ^-iJI UJ, Wo hnvo the hunom* to ho,
Your Ulghnosu1 objdionl hurvmit:;.
Jl J*.. * ^/—6 Till*: UAimiSIU IHXilUUSOH CUrt'AUY I,l;in! v
' »i:l\ilNAl. MoNI U . :
j/ ‘s?
B. Crow.
Co* *f* ' For iJra/xi
__U'JI J---->-JI J-----j~JI Chief Local UoprouuituUvo.