Page 238 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 238

628                       Records of Bahrain

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                        from refining and other operations,   As a compensation
                        for the Company’s right to Import crudo oil into Balirain

                        and to rofino it in Bahrain tho Government asks for a
                        payment of 2 annas pox1 barrol on all crudo oil imported,
                        On tho avorago quantity of crudo oil imported ovor a
                        period of several years this payment would amount to
                         about 60 lakhs of rupees a year, approximately tho amount

                         of tho voluntary payment made by the Company 3inco last
                         Juno, which tho Government has regarded, though this was
                         not spociflod by the Company, as an interim compensation
                         for the rLght to import and rofino crude oil,
                         6,   Tho 50-!J0 arrangement onsuros for the Government

                         equitable compensation from crude oil production under
                         conditions of high production and high profits, but it
                         provides no assurance in the event of the volume of pro-*
                         duction or the profit per ton being substantially reduced,
                         A reduction might rosult from force majouro, such as tho
                         doolino of tho oil resorvoir or other physical roasons
                         beyond tho Company’s control or from a vountary act of
                          tho Compuny basod upon 'commercial considerations which
                          might appear justifiable to tho Company but which would
                          not necessarily appear justifiable to tho Government, In

                          either case the Government is ontitlod to a guax’untocd
                          annual minimum payment, for a specified poriod, which
                          would not nocessarily bo tho same in both cases, in com­
                          pensation for tho Company's continuing righto under the
                          concession, regardless of tho actual amounts of production
                          ox* profit. In the caso of foi’co ina jcure tho Government
   :                      considers that it is entitled to a minimum payment basod

                          on tho value of tho concession to the Company under tho
                          prevailing circumstances, this puymerit, it is realised,

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