Page 241 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 241
Petroleum affairs 631
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not asking that tho now arrangement should commence
from thon but it dooa ask thut tho arrangement should
begin as from June 1991 * tho data on-which tho Company
commenced tho montlily payment of Us.900,000,
9r Tho Government wishos the Company to agroe to tho
prlnciplo that tho people of lluhruin should have tho
bonofit of low pricod potrolouu products, It is not
suggested that tho pricoo are now high but tho Government
considers that tho pooplo of the country uro entitled
to rock-bottom pricos for their own oil. In Iraq this
question has boon arranged by an agreement which allows
the Government to take a substantial quantity of it3
own production to refine or otherwi3o dispose of,.
Such an arrangement would not bo practicable in Bahrain
whore local consumption is vary low. As an alternative
arrangement, v/itii two same object In view* to agroo to
tho principle that Bahrain oil will be sold at tho lowo3t
possible price to Bahrain consumers.
I have two honour to bo i
Sir )
Your most obedient sorvant
Advisor to tho Government,