Page 240 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 240

630                       Records of Bahrain

                                                - 7 -

                          tigrood to botwoon tho Contracting Company and Govornmont*
                          It may bo arguod that In recent yoara drastic chances

                          have boon mado in acrooinonts botwoon Governmonts and oil
                          Companios when tho acrooinonts contained no provision for
                          revision, Tho Government do3iros a clause in tho new
                          agreement making aucli a revision possible, Tho original

                          Bahrain concession prQvidcd for a revision of tho terms
                           after a definite period, Tho Government now asks that
                           instead of u rovision boing considered after a poriod of
                           time it should be rightly considered if conditions in
                         I  neighbouring oil States chango drastiscally.
                           8,  In original contract a dato was set for tho revision

                           of certain terms* From this dato tho oil royalty was
                           raised from Us*3/6 per ton to Rs.10/- per ton, It may
                          . be reasonably supposed that negotiations wore in progress
                           between the Government of Saudi Arabia and Arabian American
                           Oil Company for a $0-90 arrangomont, Tho Bahrain Govern­
  :                        ment did not know of this mid the Government agrood to
  .                         tho increase of royalty from Us,3/0 to Rs.10/-, Last June

                            tho Company realized that tho payments to Bahrain woro
                            vory much 3-ow, proportionately, than thoao mado to Saudi
                            Arabia,  Tho Company thou mado tho voluntary payraont of

                            Its,500,000 por month, because, it v/ouLd appear, that tho
                            Company roalizod that tho revision in oil royalty payments
                            foil far short of what It should liavo boon.  It appears
                            to tho Government that now, by its acceptance of tho 50-5°
                            suggestion, tho Company admits that it is right that Balirain

                            should enjoy tho sumo 50-50 profit alluring arrangomont
                            which was adopted first in Saudi Arabia and later in Kuwait
                            and in Iraq.   Tho circumstuncos warranting a 50-50 nrrange-
                         ' rnont in Bahrain oxlstod from the timo tiiat ouch an arrungo-
     !                    I mont was mado in Saudi Arabia.   Tho Government however Is


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