Page 235 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 235

Petroleum affairs                     625

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              tho Company aecoptod only his proposal for a 50-5*0
              profit sharing arrangement, It agreed that payment
              should ho in starling hut that only ono anna por barrel

              should bo paid on Imported crudo oil, torsoly refusing,
              and not evon cominonting on, his other demands. Tho
              dotails of this 50-50 arrangomont liavo not yot boon fully
              di3oussod and various mat tors connoctod with it will
              require considoratlon, such as overhead chargos on crudo

              production and tho quastion of a Depletion Charge, Tho
              Government boliovos that tho exploration costs of tho
              prosent crudo production must already have boon adequately
              offset by tho Company»s profits ovor a long terra of years
              and that the cost of any new exploration should bo at the
              expense of tho Company until ouch timo as now production

              has been established. Those and other matters relating
              to the 50-50 agreement will have to bo agreed between the
              Government and tho Company,
              h.   Payments made by the Company to tho Government}

              provided for In the original contract, wore in compensation
              for rights which wore granted to tho Company at tho time
              of the original, concession and tho proposed 50-50 arrango­
              mont applies only to the profits from crude oil operations,
              it does not include any compensation for tho many valuable
              rights and privileges which the Government has granted to

              the Company which contribute towards tho considerable
              profits which tho Company makes from its refining and other
              operations.    If there was no refinery in Bahrain tho
              Government would, presumably, rocoivo tho same profits
              under the 50-50 arrangomont. Tho Government realizes

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