Page 29 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 29
Great Britain: policy 419
kS Boorel.
UJi Tut IJA1.ACU .
irv- VY )r-~ Manama.
Bahrain, Juno £, 19b].
LJu-lAJl a.. LK Cj U1---- O* Bulinun bin ILmud rJKlul ifah,
r-~-J' Bahrain.
O'*** J l>oJ I U> J->4 V I J> VI * J J I To
His iixcel .lenoy The Political
Resident in the Persian
Gulf, Bahrain.
pUJL L/vU XJ I p Ijl>-V I .l;^4 J UAaJI Jjki After Conijij imenls;
^ ■«< 1—a» j , Ire y I o I U /v'e hav.3 the honour to refer to
Juju pi-«* L-jst Lai _> Vy jl3 JJ • I—I a matter which wo discussed with you
p-»lu Ll» pi—aj L*)j *1 some two years ago. .13 you are uVu.i e ;
i—J li; I jl ; a_j* I—j I j V *_:i there is no treaty or u 11 •.'adamant
L.aJ *—■) V—>JI u>L» liiyi between us and Ills Majesty';; • •vvji:i:~
ijl —L l^a. (J—• IA j—^—J if I merit, nor have .,0 any writ ten
u^jL> Uc^_il La j V—> assurance, that in the event of our
L/t jA lj I A—J V------>JI >« 1 >• I----a State being attacked by a foreign
y^LujUi^ji—• • y—* J—:—* power llis Majesty's Government ./ill
•oU.’J L^, J U U *JI do v/liat it can to protect and
defend us.
olaLJi ty *—1 l JJU1J i,ke, In view of the disturbed con
0 I ,-J ohLjV, Uj V-^J i j jU-.JI ditions in countries near to us mid
Ijr—^ ' J—f * j j—iidl Persia's reiterated claims to
ijl J—>> i!r—*d 1—I’ ; I_sli coverignty over Bahrain v/e earnestly
Ul ul u ji.j. US I JL^_a uLaJ request an assurance that if v/e are
V>La A.O>-l J Ui> yjk attacked by a foreign power 11.M's
• Ua^Io;, L^^a-. y x>ji Government will, defend us.
•f'A^VI, L^OJI J,.i< fLAjl ,y, Usual eliding.
. a—iJiJI M*- 1>1 ^LL. Sulman bin Hamad Al Khali fall.