Page 335 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 335

Matiamah causeway project, 1951              725

                                                 BRITISH RESIDENCY,
       D w to ly Ho/37                                BAHRAIN.
                                                  26tli March, 1951*

                  I have the honour to addrcoa you on the subjoct of the
             ouuooway which, as you will have aeon from my monthly lottora
             and other roporto, the Ruler of Bahrain propooeo to construct
             at Manamah to onablo ocean going ateamere to berth, thereby
             eliminating the preoont anchorage oyatoin which involveo long
             delays in the unloading of cargo, especially in bad v/oather,
             and substantial losseo on account of breakages and pilferage.
             The project was first broached years ago when a local represen­
             tation of Messrs John Howard and Company who were at tliat time
             engaged on tho construction of the Dammam causeway suggested
             the building of a similar causeway from Hadd at the southern*'
             extremity of Muhurraq Island southwards to the doop water in
             the vicinity of tho Bahrain Petroleum Company's wharf at
             Si trail. Cons idci*at ion of any ouch project had however to be
             poatponed until the recent increase made in the rate of royalty

             l^nyablc by tho BalU'ain Potrolcum Company made it jiossible for
             tho Bahrain Govornmont to launch out into expensive development

             schemoo. Messrs. Cooke, Vnughan-Leo, Prank and Gwyther wore
             then called in as consultants and partly on their advice all
             idea of building a causeway at Hadd wua dropped because of the
             long carry from there to Manamah and tho fact that the two-mile
             causeway between Muharraq and the main island would have to be
             widened to take the additional traffic.  The firm prepared instead
             a rough plan and estimate for a causeway four miles long running
             from the vicinity of tho existing customs jetty at Manamah
             northwards across coral reefs and ending in deep water at the
             eastern edge of the outer Manamah anchorage,   There is to be a
             railway along tho causeway and the project is estimated to coot
             about one million pounds.
             2.   This project has boon criticised, chiefly by representatives
     His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State                  /of
                        for Poreign Affairs,
               Foreign Offioe,
                   London, S. IV. 1.
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