Page 341 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 341

3rd population census, 1959               731
                                            BRITISH POLITICAL AGENCY,
                                             POST OFFIC15 BOX No .11 /|,

     (1026/59)                | RESTRICTED        December 30 > 1959
           Dear Departmont,
                We have rocoivod from the Bahrain Government the final
           figures for tho 1959 census, and enclose a copy herein,    In
           transmitting it to us tho Socrotury to the Government expressed
           special thanks to Mr.R.S.Porter, Statistical Adviser of the
           Middle East Development Division, Beirut, for his invaluuble
           assistance in organising the census.    As you will see there
           is, unfortunately, no covering report summarising the results,
           but only the bare tabulated figures,    We liave accordingly
           prepared, and enclose, a table bringing out tho more interesting
           details and a comparison with the tv/o previous censuses in
           1941 and 1950.
                The counting was done in May of this year by approximately
           150 enumerators and the operation was tho responsibility of
            the Director of Finance of the Balmain Government, assisted
           in its organisation by the Director of Labour,    Ac will bo
           seen from the tablo the figures show an increase of 30$ in
            the total population of Bahrain since 1950.   In fact this
           figure 18 a slight under-statement, us the 1950 figures
           included foreign diplomatic und Service personnel und visiting
           seamen.   Furthermore, the figures for population of the towns
           und villages are not strictly comparable, since those for 1959
           are based on the criterion of usual place of residence, whereas
           in 1950 people were recorded where tliey huppened to be on.
           census night.    This accounto for part of the Increase in the
           main towns and for an apparent drop in tlic population of tlic
           oil town of Awuli.

                An encouraging, and in t lies a days rare development is
            that the increase in urban population has not been achieved
           ut the expense of;the rural, the ratio between the tv/o remaining
           approximately the same at 75:25 in both 1950 and 1959- Thus
           a 30% increase in total population is reflected in u 25/5
            increase in rurul population. Tho 40$ increase in Manama,
            tlie capital, is attributed largoly to immigration. The
            estimated increase of 164$ in literacy is also a moot encouraging
           sign, though the increase of 179$ in the Indian and Pakistani
           population may not be so welcome to the Balirain authorities.
                The increase in the number of houses reflects tho
            considerable recent building activity, und slightly exceeds
            the percentage increase for total population. It is interesting
            to note that 75$ of the poi>ulation live in concrete or stone
           houses und only 17$ in tho barastios or shucks, which are
            nevertheless such a prominent feature of tiie Dahruin landscape.
           The average size of a household is 5i persons.

                 In brief, therefore, the 1959 census reveals a considerable
           but well-balanced increase in population, with little tendency *
            towards rural depopulation, and, taking tlio increase in
           literacy and housing as an index, an appreciable raising in

   Irablan Department,
      Foreign Office,
         London                     RESTRICTED
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