Page 441 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 441
Rural resources 831
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Qovamment of Bahrain Public Halations Dopt •«
Manama, Bahrain
The Bahrain Agricultural Show. 1957
"First In tho Persian Gulf". Once again Bahrain has introduced an
inovation in the area, this time with an Agricultural Show which was opened
on Thursday 28th February by His Highness the Ruler of Bahrain, His Highness
ALSO spent over one hour in visiting all the stalls and talking with the
exhibitors and attendants. The aim of this Show, which was organized by
tho Bahrain Government Department of Agriculture with assistance from other
Uovommont Departments, was to increase the goneral public's intorest in
agriculture and country life as well as showing the farmers of Bahrain what
the Government Agricultural Centro has to offer in the way of livestock
equipment and advice. The-Show includod a vegetable and flower competition,
displays of local industries by people from tho countryside, and art exhibit
ion by Bahraini artists of paintings of tho country, trade stalls containing
agricultural equipment and displays and demonstrations by the Department of
Agriculture. The latter includod spocimons of high quality poultiy and cattlo
that are being bred by tho Department for distribution to the public, ferti
lisers, seeds and demonstrations of mechanical fanning equipment that the
Department hires out to fanners at a nominal charge. The Bahrain Stato Police
providod a band, which playod during tho Show, and the Mounted Polico gavo
a display of.musical riding and tent pegging. There was also a cinoma show
of Agricultural films.
It is estimated that some 14,000 persons visited the Show by the
timo it ended, including, at a time specially roservod for them, some 3000
ladies, mainly from Bahrain, All the visitors took a lively intorest in tho
stalls, and the Agricultural Department received re uests for hundreds of eggs
for hatching as well as for oattlo apd equipment. It is planned to mako this
Show an annual event, and, next year, there will bo increased stalls and
rocroational facilities.
The {Agricultural Department
Tho policy of the'Department of Agriculture has been to improve tho
productivity of the land and livestock in Bahrain,
During the past soed wos normally imported from unsuitable sources
with tho result that crops were not readily forthcoming ^ With tho introductio
and production of selootod seed by the Department rosults have been very