Page 437 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 437
Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58 827
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working here for five months altogether - four monthB porhap u
Id more exact, as I unfortunately spent ono wholo month in
hospital trying to recover from an unfortunate slipped dioo
in my back, I havo not ao yet learnt any Arabic v/orth
mentioning. I know, and my frionds have emphasised to mo, that
the ability to make myself understood and underotand others in
Arabic, would be a wonderful asset in the work I have to do.
I am qulto sure this la true and I would dearly like to speak
Arabic reasonably well, oyon from the point of view only of ray
interest and liking of the Arab people and their country, But
my stay in Bahrain is of very uncertain duration and in the firot
instance is only a matter of six monthsj To bo of any lasting
value I think I should bo staying longor than this, but I have
had to deoido which, after all, Is the moro urgent need, i.e.
the language or the work, As it seems to me ono can learn
precious little of the language in six months (I almost said
"six years"J), I have started working on the operation of the
Labour Laws and have, therefore, not started ae yot tho task
of learning Arabic. I can only say now that if the futuro shows
that there is enough to be gained to Bahrain from my continued
stay, I shall look forward happily to better times when I shall
be uble to learn some Arabic and thereby gain a better under
standing of this country and its people.
(8ignod) I, Dennys,