Page 442 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 442

032                        Records oj Bahrain

              oncournging and growers aro now producing excellent crops of vegetables.
                     Farmers who huvo sustained losses through planting too oarly or
              through tho attacks of post3 are also being encouraged to purchase seedlings
              from tho Experimental Centro at a nominal cost and as this scrvico has provod
               to bo vory popular it is hoped to mako very largo quantities of seedlings
  I:          available to growers.
 J             of Artificial fertilizers havo boon iinportod and fanners are boing oncouragod
                      As organic manuro is in vory short supply in Bahrain largo quantities
               and advised in tho application of thorn,
                      Tho Department is now oquippod with a coniprehonsivo supply of chemicals
               and modorn spraying machinery and oxtonsivo "anti-pest" measures aro now
               carried out with oxcollont rosults. Anti-post control is bocoming increasingly
               popular with fanners and it is hoped with an increase of trained 3taff to improvo
               conditions ivory appreciably.

                      Intensive investigations aro proceeding at tho Experimental Station
               in tho production of grain, foddor, commercial crops and processing of Agri­
               cultural crops to balance tho Agricultural position in tho island,
                      Tho Stock Farm is boirx; rapidly developed and it is hopod that
               podigroo bulls will soon be available for up-brooding stock on tho Island.
               Tho rosults from tho introduction of tested strains of European chickens have
               also boon very encouraging and breeders aro now boing supplied with eggs and
  .            day-old chicks from tho Experimental Centro.
                      In those ways agriculture in Bahrain, upon which depend a largo
               number of Bahrainis, is boing improved and modornizod by tho activitios of
               the Department of Agriculture.

               4 March 1957
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