Page 48 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 48
438 Records of Bahrain
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Your Excellency hao explained that the I
coat of oocial cervices in Bahrain, as else
where | hoc tended to rioo, nnd that the continumnco
or thin trend in conjunction with the^likcly
doclino in tho Island's prosperity, will lead
the public to question tho right of the Ruling
Family to toko one-third or the oil revenues
ror its poroonal expenditure. I understand that
you consider that tile meed for monoy for oxpandcl
ocrvicco may thus lead to a demand for the
replacement of tho Ruling Family, I would
iiopo, however, that in duo course it would be 5
possible to induce tho present Rulin' Family to <
forego ito direct call upon the oil .’evenue3 £
of the country in return, perhaps, for an annual H
civil list incorporated In the budget of the |
State. I realioo that.the examples of lavishnfso Ui
given by hie more fortunate neighbours in Kuwait 5
and Qatar will make this curtailment of his
own funds a bitter pill for the Ruler to swallow, cn
particularly as he has to come extent reduced H
the chances of Bahrain obtaining increased oil I z
revenues by placing in Saudi hands tno timing oi
any exploitation of the Bahruin-SuucU Arabian' | z
! seabed. I v/ould hope, however, that you would
: ;
not be called upon to confront this particular
i •roblcm In Uio near future. It is, novortheles:.,
1 to be borne in mind, and I hope that if the
time come the Ruling Family or some members of
it might not consider this too groat a price
to pay.
r- There is j/ ah o'
1 ' Lffche public aspect of any action |
v/c may Lake to advise the Ruler in the abovo
sen sc. Your Excelloncy draws attention to the
fact that in Bahrain v/c are held responsible foi
much oi’ the maladministration bocauuo the Ruler