Page 50 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 50

440                       Records of Bahrain

                        lo ouch pooplo may come lo ho mioconstrued by
                        bo III sides and tlio confldoncc in H.M.O. ol' both
                        Kulora and roi'orinoro may thua bo I’orf cited.
                        Hero, too, I would accordingly counacl no radica l
                         dopnrturo from oxioting policy, but I would
                         rather hope thut ao a rcoult ol' your efforts dc-
 l                       pjoyed In purauancc of the objectives in pnragrn ih V
                         above, a time would come when the Uulcr would
                         make uuc of the ocrvicco of the modorate reforme 'g
                         und the reformero, having regard to the elute of

                         evolution of their country, be prepared to bend
                         their own efforts to the public good.                           Z
                         jU:.0 *Givon the age and conservatism of Shaikh .                5
                         Salman al K ha 1 if ah, I would expect that ^jour                o
                         Kxcollcncy or the Political Age it in Bahrain wil                —i
                         find it difficult to induce him to adoptjtho
                         mcasurco you have outlined. I can but hope that
                         by tact and persistence it will be posGilJlo to                  1
                         induce him that \hc i measures you rccornmei d arc               Z
                          for the good not only of his country but  of                    Z
                         himself and his family.  If, however, Shaikh                     X
  !                                                                                       in
                          Salman clthor refused to envisage any of the
                         measures which you have advocated or, ha\ing                     >
                          accepted .them fails lo carry thlin out, Your                   o
                          Kxcdlency will no doubt uddressime further,
                          putting forward your rccommondalJons how; in
                          the circumstances, the interest of ll.l.i.0. in
  ;                       Bahrain can best bo assured.
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