Page 293 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 293
Cooking Wares
The hole-mouth jar so common at Tliaj (type 2) is replaced in Level Kg by another
form. These display a broader bevelled interior rim surface illustrated in Figure
61a and e. The former example is a buff ware while the latter is a sand-tempered,
gray ware. Other potentially related rims are shown by Figures 61b-d, and f. The
interior bevelled rim appears to be a development of the Tliaj type 2 rim, but this
case is still indistinct. Of more importance is the vessel 61e from Level J. Oates
shows similar vessels as Parthian cooking ware in northern Iraq (Oates 1968, Figure
23, nos. 64 and 65), but Gibson (personal communication) does not consider this
form diagnostic. Although it is associated with Sasanian forms here it may have a
broader range.
Everted-rim Bowls
Large, deep bowls of light brown and buff ware become relatively common in
Levels J and Kg. Two decorations are present. Figure 61g, for example, shows an
incised wavy line motif on the interior of the rim, while Figure 61h and i show
bowls with a white interior glaze. TTiis glaze also covers the exterior portion of
the rim and frequently shows prominent drips where the glaze has run during firing.
Similar forms are described by Adams as Sasanian at Tell Abu Sarifa (Adams 1970,
Figure 6 b and v).
Figure 62: Late Parthian-Sasanian
a. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kgj green-glazed fine buff ware.
b. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kgj green-glazed fine buff ware.
c. 518.BN, Profile, Level kJ; green and white glaze on reddish-gray ware.
d. 518.BM, Profile, Level K7; buff slip on light brown ware.
e. 518.BM, Profile, Level Kf; buff ware.
f. 518.BM, Profile, Level Kj; buff ware.
g. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kgj cream slip on fine red ware.
h. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kf; fine, dark gray ware.
i. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kgj green glaze on buff ware.
j. 518.BN, Profile, Level Kg; green glazed rim on buff ware.