Page 133 - Dilmun 26
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The Weapons

Footnotes & References

1 - Manuel, Garcia, José., ed., )1983),     9 - .Look for types of canons in this re�
Viagens dos Descobrimentos, (Lisbon(,       search.
Editorial Presença, p.183.                  10 - Rodrigues and Tevezes, (2009), Por�
2 - M. Pearson, (2003), The Indian Ocean,   tugal: o pioneiro da globalização : a Her�
(London), p. 118.                           ança das descobertas, (Lisbon), Centro
3 - About this topic, see: Rogers, Fran�    Atlántico, p. 263
cis. M.,( 1962.), The Quest for Eastern     11 -
Christians: Travel and Rumor in the Age     =Portuguese+Guns+and+Cannons.
of Discovery, (Minneapolis) University of   It was decided to transport this Islamic
Minnesota Press.                            canon to Lisbon to be melted for statue
4 - Dejanirah Couto and Rui Manuel          of Dom Khozea the first latter it was kept
Loureiro, ed. (2007), Revisiting Hormuz:    in the military museum.
Portuguese Interactions in the Persian      12 -
Gulf Region in the Early Modern Period,     explore/object.
(Lisbon), Calouste Gulbenkian Founda�       13 - See: Castro, João de, (1991), Roteiro
tion, p. viiii                              do Mar Roxo, Introdução de Luís de Al�
5 - Al-Salman, M.,(2005), Unpublished       buquerque, (Lisbon), Colecção «História
PhD thesis, Aspects of Portuguese Rule      da cultura portuguesa».
in the Arabian Gulf, 1521–1622, Hull, The   14 - Brito, Francisco,(a.n.), Caravelas,
University of Hull.                         naus e galés de Portugal, em Enciclope�
6 - Translating: “the world is a ring and   dia pela imagem, (Porto), Lello & Irmão,
Hormuz a precious stone set in it”, see:    Lda, p. 17.
Dejanirah Couto and Rui Manuel Lourei�      15 - Guinote, P.J.A., (1999), vol. II, «As�
ro, ed. (2007),p. viiii                     censão e Declínio da Carreira da Índia»,
7 - See: V.L. G., Rodrigues, (1997),        Vasco da Gama e a Índia,: (Lisboa),
«Military Structure of Portuguese Navy      Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, pp.7–
in Indian Ocean in 16th century»; and       39.
K.M. Mathew, «The economics of Por�         16 - Godinho, Vitorino Magalhães, (1963),
tuguese Shipbuilding in Goa to 1773», in    Vol. 3, Os Descobrimentos e a economia
K.S.Mathew, ed., Shipbuilding & Naviga�     mundial, (Lisbon), Editorial Presença,
tion in Indian Ocean (New Dehi), pp.89-     p.46.
93; and 140-146.

8 - Huei, Sim Yong, (2009), Vol. 17, “Por�  17 - Galion is a Portuguese warship – the
tuguese armada in 16th century”, Portu�     original name from French ship (Glaton)
guese Studies Review, (Canada), p.74.       in Spanish same (Galion) which was

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